Thursday, May 1, 2014


            Bali is a place very far from Oregon. Denpasar is a city in Bali. Bali is a small island in the country of Indonesia. all of those places are in Asia. It is a long, long, long ways away.

            The weather in Bali is hot all year around. It is in the 80s and 90s. The weather is perfect for swimming or going to the beach. People go swimming a lot. It is good for all sorts of things.

            There are many temples in Bali. Since I was in a temple, in Bali   this lady was selling bananas and shoved one in my dad's hand. One of the temples we visited, people were bathing in holy water. These are a lot of Buddha’s with offerings on them.

            Offerings are things made out of flowers and leaves. People in Bali are Hindu and put offerings on the Buddhas for the gods to take. These are tons of them around. Every day I saw at least 50 of them! Every day you see about 20 of them.

            Dancing in Bali is very cool. It looks very, very complicated. People even dance with their eyes. The dancing in Bali is called Balinese dancing. People also use different types of instruments including a gamelan.

            There are two languages spoken in Bali. One is Balinese and one is Bahasa. People use the same letters in English but words are spelled differently.

            People grow rice in Bali. The rice is grown in things called rice patties. There are so many rice patties all over Indonesia. We can't grow as much nice rice in the U.S because it is not as warm.

            Travelling to Bali is very difficult. How I got there was I went on a two hour plane to San Francisco. By then I was very tired but we took a 15 hour plane to Hong Kong. Finally we had to take a 4 1/2 hour plane to Bali.

            The food in Bali is mostly rice. They serve food in small restaurants.  One food that I liked a lot was fried rice.

            The time in Bali is 16 hours ahead from Portland time. It took a while to get used to. When I came back to Portland I was exhausted. It's like travelling forward and back in time.

            Instead of just paying for things you bargain. Bargaining is negotiating the price for something. Two people bargain between two prices. For example you bargain between the price for a taxi ride.

The money is Bali is called Rupia. About 12 Rupia equals one dollar. Rupia are more colorful than American dollar. Rupia are used all over Indonesia. People bargain with Rupia all the time.

            There is a bird pack in Bali. It has lots of cool birds. There are lots of parrots. Also there are tons of Macaws. There were also some pelicans. One of my favorite kind of bird is a Flamingo which were at the bird park.

            At the bird park there was a enormous lizard... The Komodo dragon! It is very big scaly and green. A Komodo dragon is quite poisonous. It's poison is in its spit. It can poison a human.

            I had a great time in Bali. I'd like to go there again soon. There are amazing things including animals, plants and the weather. These are lots more I'd like to do like go swimming and go snorkeling. I am an expert on Bali. 

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