Thursday, May 1, 2014


Hello my name is Naime and today I will tell you about deforestation and what is causes. The first thing I will tell you about is where cheetahs live. The second thing I will tell you about is why cheetahs are on the endangered species list. The third thing I will tell you about is how cheetahs are losing their homes.
Most cheetahs live in Sub-Sahara Africa. Some other places they could live at is Ethiopia and Zambia. If people cut down trees they won't have a place to live. Cheetahs also live in Egypt and Mali. Cheetahs used to live in North Africa and go all the way to India.
Cheetahs are on the endangered species list because people are shooting them for their skin. The biggest problem is because their losing their homes. Their cubs are getting eaten by carnivores. Some carnivores are hyenas and lions. Sometimes cheetahs go to farms to hunt the livestock and the farmers try to shoot them.


  1. I didn't realize that cheetahs used to live in North Africa. How sad that their habitat is being destroyed. --Gabrielle (Max's mom)

  2. Naime, I loved your piece on endangered cheetahs. You are a great writer. I love that I still get to see you in the have such a beautiful smile and thanks for coming down with your mom to share about Kwanzaa. Ms. Foster
