Friday, June 13, 2014

Thank you for a wonderful year

Dear Families,

I wanted to thank each and every one of you for a wonderful school year. It has been an honor to get to work with your children and see them grow this year in confidence and skills. I will miss all of them and you dearly.

Thank you so much for your generous gifts. I can't wait to make some more terrariums and go shopping at Powell's Books. Also, the coffee will be much appreciated and used this coming school year. The sweater fits me perfectly! Thank you so much.

The students had a good time today saying good bye and writing in their blog books. I hope you enjoy seeing their writing. We also reminisced about different things we did this year. Here is a list of things your children thought of:

Have a wonderful and safe summer! 

Sacha Luria

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Last week of school update from Ms. Luria

Dear Families,

We have a lot of dates! Please make sure that you carefully read these dates and put them in your calendar. 

June Dates

Tuesday 10th - Talent show for 3rd - 5th grade in the AM - feel free to come and attend
Tuesday 10th - Picnic snack and special activity for departing students - please have students write cards for the members of our class that are leaving to new schools next year
Wednesday 11th - Walking field trip to Irving Park with our reading buddies - we will do field games and could use parental support - Sign up form: 
Thursday 12th - Clean up day! Bring a paper bag to school to help clean out lockers and the room. I could use parental help starting at 1:30 pm till the end of the day for clean up time.
Friday 13th - Last day of school year - report cards will go home this day with the students

It has been a pleasure teaching your child this year! Thank you so much for all of your support and for letting me work with your child this year.

Chinook Book: Thank you for your donations earlier this year for the Chinook Book. We used that money to buy a blog book for each student to take home as well as a to pay for Mr. Lizard. Thank you so much for your support and the ability to do these amazing things with the class. 

Rose Parade! We had a wonderful time riding the bus, playing and marching in the Jr. Rose Parade. Thank you for your support in making sure that your child was picked up had what they needed to be in the parade. We enjoyed marching between two different middle school bands. What a fun way to end the year. 

In reading we are starting our fifth and final week of 5 by 5 by 5! Ask your child what book(s) they have read this week! We just finished reading our sixth book out loud (including library time)! So, all together students have heard and read more than 11 books in the last five weeks of school. WOW! 

All together students have read over 270 books these last five weeks of school! 

Students also had the opportunity to sign up for the summer reading program. It is extremely important that your child reads a minimum of 5 books this summer
Please talk with your child about when they will read, what books they will read and which genres those books are in. 

In math, students finished their end of the year math test. Overall, they did wonderfully. Also, students created a plan for how they will keep their math skills strong this summer. Please ask your child to share their plan with you. It is important that they do about an hour a week of math practice to keep those skills strong. 

Students can do, can do, can practice with flashcards as well as workbooks. I'll be handing out a workbook on the last day of school for students who requested one!  If you buy a workbook please make sure that the book says that it is common core aligned

As a general rule of thumb, if your child met the state OAKS test they should practice and review 3rd grade materials this summer. If they exceeded the OAKS test they should practice/review 4th grade materials this summer. 

For next year it will be very important that students know to type. Here is a good free site: 


Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Update from Ms. Luria

Dear Families,

June Dates

Tuesday 10th - Talent show for 3rd - 5th grade in the AM
Tuesday 10th - Picnic snack and special activity for departing students - please have students write cards for the members of our class that are leaving to new schools next year
Wednesday 11th - Walking field trip to Irving Park with our reading buddies - we will do field games and could use parental support - Sign up form: 
Thursday 12th - Clean up day! Bring a paper bag to school to help clean out lockers and the room. I could use parental help starting at 1:30 pm till the end of the day for clean up time.
Friday 13th - Last day of school year - report cards will go home this day with the students

Bridges! Students finished their final rotation of the bridge lessons this past week. In my classroom students learned about suspension bridges in their final rotation with me. They build a suspension bridge out of straws and dental floss and studied how many pennies they could hold. Students wanted a link to some fun books and activities for bridges.

  • Instructions for building a suspension bridge with straws: Instructions
  • Online forces lab to experiment with compression, load etc.: Forces lab
  • A fun bridge building toy: KNex bridge kit

In reading we are starting our fourth week of 5 by 5 by 5! Ask your child what book(s) they have read this week! I just finished reading my fourth book out loud to the students and will be finishing our fifth book this coming week! Students are learning all about point of view and discussing the difference between first person and third person point of view. We also talked about the theme of a book. 

I encourage you to join in on the challenge! Can you read out loud 5 different books to your child over the next 5 weeks from 5 different genres? (They don't have to be incredibly long books that you are reading out loud.)

In math, we are reviewing what we have learned this year! Students have taken their end of the year assessment. They will get one last chance if it is needed. In that case, you might want a copy of the practice and answer key found below.  
  • Math practice test for end of year: Practice test 
  • Math practice test answer key for the end of the year: Answer key

For next year it will be very important that students know to type. Here is a good free site: 


Parade Day Reminders

Parade Day Reminders:

1)Bring a totally disposable lunch. There will be no way to carry lunchboxes and everything will be tossed in the trash before we begin to march.

2) Dress for the weather, it should be warm and we are asking all students to wear
-        A Sabin t-shirt or a PLAIN white, blue or yellow t-shirt
-        Tennis shoes with laces and socks (we will be doing a lot of walking)
-        Tan, blue or denim shorts (if you don’t have them, jeans are fine but will be a little warm).

3)Finally and MOST IMPORTANT pick up is at Grant High School at the flag pole at 2:00. Because we don’t know exactly what time we will be there, if we are not there yet just wait and we will arrive soon. If you are watching the parade once we go by please come to Grant.

Monday, June 2, 2014

Sugar Talk

Here are some questions to ponder....

What is the difference between "bad" sugar and "good" sugar?

Name one type of food that has "bad" sugar in it.

Name one type of food that has "good" sugar in it.

How often should we eat things with "bad" sugar?

How often should we eat things with "good" sugar?

and of course here is the recipe for the spinach ice cream that we had!:)

Serves 2-4 people

1 cup of frozen pineapple
1-2 bananas (this depends on size and how creamy you want it)
2 cups of apple juice (less if you want it a bit thicker)
2-4 BIG handfuls of spinach

Put all the ingredients into a blender and blend on high until it is smooth and creamy and delicious.

Pour it into bowls (if it is thicker) or glasses and eat with a spoon or drink through a funny straw!

The best part is you can eat this every day!
Always with love,

Jacquie Michelle