Friday, March 20, 2015


Mr. Iverson asked, ”What do you what to do to day?”

Mrs. Iverson said,” Lets go for a walk. Its a beautiful day today.”

Mr. Iverson said,” You are right. Let’s go for a walk.”

So they went for a walk in the forest. Just then they saw something unusual. It was as big as a yoga ball.

Mrs. Iverson asked, “What is it?”

Mr. Iverson said, ”I don't know but its getting late. We can take it home and see in the morning.”

So they put the thing in the back of the truck. Mr. Iverson stayed in the back of the truck, so the thing  didn't fall out. They parked the car in the garage and went to have lunch. They had chili for lunch.

Suddenly, there was a crash coming from the garage. Mr. and Mrs. Iverson ran to see what it was. They  opened the garage door. The thing was cracked and there was a big reptile, with long wings. It started flying around the room. It crashed into a shelf with paints on it. The paints spilled on the truck. Mr Iverson ran to open the door It opened. The reptile flew out.


  1. Very good story! My favorite part was when you said what they have for lunch. "They had chili for lunch." I love details like that. I also love chili. I would like to know what color was the reptile? Orange is my favorite color.

    Caroline H.

  2. I don't know what color it is but u can chose.
