Wednesday, February 25, 2015


One day Betty was on the phone when suddenly Betty’s cat came out of nowhere and tried to eat her bird.The bird went in a tree. The cat climbed up the tree and got too scared to come down.Magicly a fire fighter appeared. It got the hose and sprayed the cat and bird out of the tree.The fire fighter shook hands with Betty and dissapeared. The cat drank milk and the bird got back in its cage.

                         The End!


  1. You did a great job of putting detail and humor into your story
    From Bibi

  2. i like how you made this story i just really liked it. from ian

  3. haha very funny Curtis!


  4. My favorite sentence was Magicly a fire fighter appeared. It got the hose and sprayed the cat and bird out of the tree.From,Johnny
