Friday, February 21, 2014

Update from Ms. Luria

Dear Families,

Thank you for a wonderful week.

Here are some upcoming dates to be aware of:

Tuesday the 25th - Ms. Luria will be out for a district meeting
Thursday the 27th - Walking field trip to the Albina library
Sign up to walk with us:

Volunteer in the classroom:
Sign up for 8:45 - 9:45 math:
Sign up for Thursday afternoon prep work:
Sign up for Tuesday 2-3 writing:

Math: We are hard at work with fractions. Students are learning about putting fractions on number lines, finding equivalent fractions and adding and subtracting fractions with like and unlike denominators. This is tough stuff! The students are working very well together to master all of the material and are making great progress.

Reading: Students are reading all sorts of novels in small groups. They are also working on reading non-fiction about record holders as connected with our current IB unit. In spelling and vocabulary we are learning about how to combine words that end in a consonant and a Y. Ask you child about how to combine these words and about the rule:
cry + ing
cry + ed
play + ing
play + ful
try + ed

Science: We just finished an extended experiment about decomposition. Ask your child about what they learned about the process of decomposers in our world. We put a banana in a test tube and a banana peel in the other test tube and then a balloon over the tube. We watched what happen with the balloon and it was quite fascinating! We are now starting a unit of gardening and working in the garden one time a week on Friday afternoons with our SUN garden coordinator.

Bridges: Our bridges unit starts on Tuesday of this coming week! We are excited that students will be learning all about the culture and history of Portland as well as about the bridges!

Thanks for all of your support,

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