Tuesday, February 18, 2014


If I lived in Antarctica, my life would be very different. The weather, the nature, landscape and the food are not what I am used to. At the same time it would be cool because I could learn about a rare animal like the penguin. I could also discover new things about this part of the planet.
My life would be very different in Antarctica. I would have to wear special clothes each day for the cold. There would be no trees to climb on and have fun with. Because the cargo ships can't come during the winter, there would probably not be many choices of food during winter. I would not be able to shower everyday; only twice a week for 2 minutes.
It would be interesting to experience life in Antarctica. I could learn everything about penguins' lives in the extreme cold. I could learn ways to conserve water and reduce the waste because these are serious issues in Antarctica.

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