Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Raven Returns the Water - Rough draft of class

Narrator 1: Once in a village there  was a big drought.
NARRATOR 2: During the drought the villagers could  not bathe, find enough food,wash cloths or drink.

Villager Member 1: The plants are not growing.
Village Member 2: I can’t wash my clothes  
village member 3: I can not take a bath all village members ;we need water
raven: so thirsty  

Narrator 1: so raven and fox set out on a adventure first let's go find the water for the village.
Fox: I don’t think this is a good idea. It could be dangerous.
Raven: We have to go for the village. If we don’t, the villagers will die.
Fox: Fine, we’ll go.
Raven: The thief left a trail of water.
Fox: let’s follow it. Watch out, the thief left lots of holes.
fox:aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah  we fell in a ditch raven where are you  
Raven: UMMMMMM, i’m on your head. Now how are we gonna get out of here?
Fox:There's some roots attached to dirt to get us up!
Raven:We got out of the hole!

Narrator: once they got out of the hole, they set off ti find the missing water.
N 2: They went through the widest dry river beds, the tallest of mountains and the lartgest of forests.
Fox: Are we there yet.
Raven: No. I still see nothing but dry land.

N1: The sun was going down so fox and raven decided to rest.
N2: The next morning they set off slowly in search of water.
Raven: I’m so thirsty.
Fox: I’m thirsty too.

Narrator 1: just as they were about to give up they saw a big, wet, green meadow.
Raven: Maybe if we follow the meadow we will find the water.
Fox: I think that’s a great idea.
N2: They began to run. Then fox fell into a big puddle.
Raven: Fox, look up.
N1: Fox looked up and saw a big, ten foot green frog.

Raven: Frog - why did you steal all of the water.
Frog: It’s because no one needs the water but me.
Box: But the people in the village are dying.
Frog: How does that concern me?
Ravin: It does. We are all connected. We need the water back.
Frog: No!!!!! I wont’ give it back.

Frog: OOOOHHHH (in pain) my belly hurts sooo much.
Raven: Can we help you?
Frog: Please
Fox: We can only help if you give back the water.
Frog: Ok fine. You can have the water. My belly hurts sooooo much.
Raven: Swallow this rock and your belly will feel better.

Narrator 2: After frog swallowed the rock, his stomach could not longer hold all of the water and the rock. The water started to seep out and flow back to the earth.
Narrator 1: Eventually, the frog also spit out the rock. He was so tired, he took a rest on the rock.

Narrator: So Raven and Fox helped frog give back all of the water. The water flowed from the frog and filled all of the rivers, lakes and clouds in the sky.

Narrator 2: After Raven and Fox convinced frog to give back the water, the villagers were very happy.
Villager 1: I feel very happy water is here. The water helps the plants and berries grow.
Villager 2: The trees can grow.
Villager 3: Ahh. I can finally fish and take purification baths.

N2: The village and all of the forest animals got their water back.
N1: Now, if you go to a pond and look at a rock, you still might see frog basking in the water. 
N2: While frog share the water with the world, he never wants to be far from the water or the rock that helped him feel better to this day.

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