Monday, February 4, 2013


“The High School Graduation”
NARRATOR: “Once there was a 17-year old girl named Anne Shea. Anne was going to graduate from high school in a week then. Anne thought people would not throw a party for her because she never gets a birthday party, no, nothing at all. But she was just about to find out she was wrong.”
ANNE: “Mom, Jz was in my room again!”
JZ: (Anne’s brother) “No I was not!”
ANNE: “Yes you were!”
JZ: “No I wasn’t!”
MOM: “Stop it both of you!”
MOM: “Go to your room Jz. You know you can’t go into Anne’s room.” “Anne you know Jz is younger than you so stop bugging him.”
ANNE: “but..”
MOM: “No buts. Conversation closed.”
NARRATOR: “Anne watched Jz walk to his room. Before walking in he turned around and glared stuck out his tongue. Then he stomped into his room.”
ANNE: “You are a big pile of dirt!”
JZ: “Maybe  I am.”
NARRATOR: “A week later, in mid summer Anne was upset because she was graduating the next day...”
ANNE: “Mom, can I have a graduation party?”
MOM: “I don’t think so.”
NARRATOR: “The next day, it was Anne’s last day at High school.”
MOM: “Anne you have someone at the door for you!”
ANNE: “Mom why do you always have to snoop into my room? Anyway who is it?”
MOM: “Someone, “You’ll find out just go to the door.”
ANNE: “Okay, are you sure they want me and not Jz, dad or you because I never get that many people around here who want to see me.”
JZ: “Anne  it’s  Olivia and Mary they want to tell you something that is very surprising!”
MARY: “Anne please come down quick, Olivia has something to say.”
OLIVIA: “Anne you aren’t getting a graduation party?”
ANNE: “I know, I never get parties.”
NARRATOR: “An hour later”
ANNE: “Mom where are you taking me?”
MOM: “You’ll see soon enough.”
MOM: “Here we are.”
NARRATOR: “Anne heard music and yelling. The yelling was from Mary, Olivia, and Janny. They were saying: “She’s here, she’s here, hide everyone!” Anne walk around into the room it was empty except a turntable, chairs, tables, food, stage, and disco lights.”
ANNE: “What is this place?”
MOM: “Here she is! Come out all of you!”
NEIGHBORS, FRIENDS, AND FAMILY: “Surprise! Happy graduation!”
ANNE: “Thank you,  thank you, thank you so much. I have never had a party in my life!”
MARY:”Oh Anne, I’m so sorry, me and Olivia were lying. You did get a party.
JANNY: “We are going to tell you (Olivia and Mary too) how your dad skipped work and your grandparents came all the way from California.”
OLIVIA: “It was your dad’s idea, he put a lot into the party.”
ANNE: “Thank you!”
NARRATOR: “And from that day on Anne got birthday parties and parties on the holiday’s”

1 comment:

  1. Dear Adelle,

    This is a special story about a graduation party. I wonder why Anne hadn't gotten parties before. Maybe her parents thought that parties weren't important, or that they didn't have the money or time for a party. It was a special thing for Anne to get that surprise party wasn't it?

    When you get to be as old as Anne was, and a little older, one of the fun things that happens is that you get to start planning parties for yourself. Surprises are nice, but sometimes it is nice just to invite people to a party.

    The dialog with JZ sounds very real. JZ's name seems very much like my husband's name, JT.

    Crossing Rebecca
