Wednesday, May 13, 2015


Roger was going on his daily Saturday ride next to the river. He was sixteen so he had just got his driver’s licence. He was starting to turn. But just when he thought he had it under control, two golden brown deer bounded out of the forest and on to the gravelly road.

Roger said, “I can’t hit them deer!” He swerved into the river. Roger said, “Oh no!” The jeep slid into the water. Roger thought,”My phone!” Fortunately, it was still in his pocket. He said, “Ranger, I’m in the Columbia river, Forest Greenwood, Toe Street, help me!” Someone answered.
“Be there thirty minutes later” Roger was glad.

A brown truck pulled up that said “Ranger”.
“Help, help, over here” said Roger. The ranger threw a rope to Roger. Roger held on tight. He was out of the water in no time.

The ranger said,”Your car looks fine but let’s get it out of the water.” Five minutes later, the jeep was out of the river and Roger was heading home after he thanked the ranger again.

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