Friday, December 13, 2013

December 13, 2013

Update from Ms. Luria

Wednesday December 18th - HW due NOTE the different day - students are writing a myth
Wednesday, December 18th - 2 hour late start
Friday December 20th - Last day before break - family sing in the classroom at 2 pm - 
                                        bring a healthy snack if you want to share
Monday, January 6th - First day back after winter break

No spelling test this week, No vocabulary test this week

Dear Families,

Students had a full week. We are into our 3rd IB unit of the year. Students are writing myths to answer questions about the northwest. Some of their questions are the following:
  • Why are clouds puffy?
  • Why is the ocean salty?
  • Why is the sky blue?
  • Why does the crow make the sound it makes?
We are reading traditional myths from Northwest cultures and writing our own myths in similar styles. 

HW: This week students are to finish writing the myth they have started in the classroom.

Friday Sing:
 You, and your family, are invited to our last Friday sing. We will be singing winter songs, rounds and other songs that we have been learning this year in the classroom. Come and sing along with us before the winter holiday starts. Join us at 2:00 pm for about 30 minutes of singing. Then, feel free to stay and share some treats before the end of the day. 

Headphones: Please have your child bring a baggie with a pair of headphones to use in the classroom.

Math: We are close to our goal of 100% of the students reaching mastery of subtraction! I anticipate that we will be having a math party before the end of January. Your children are working hard on mastering the basics! We also will continue our study of geometry for one more week. Our next unit will be on multiplication and word problems.

Spelling: No spelling test next week.
Feel free to write me a note, email me or call if you have any questions or concerns.

Ms. Luria

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