Friday, May 16, 2014

Update from Ms. Luria

Homework for this week: Homework given out 5-16

Permission slip for Rose Festival Parade: Rose Festival Permission Slip - please include $2 for public transit

Dear Families,

May Dates
Wednesday 21st - Late start
Thursday 22nd - Global Experience Night
Wednesday 28th - Ms. Luria at a training for school
Thursday 29th - Ms. Hunt's class to Bull Run (Ms. Luria will be taking them and our class will have a sub)

June Dates
Wednesday 4th - Rose Festival Parade - students picked up at the Grant High School flag pole (more information to come)
Friday 6th - Last day homework is due for school year
Friday 13th - New last day of school year

The students had a wonderful time building bridges this week! Thank you for everyone who volunteered and made this project possible. The bridges look wonderful and will be on display during Global Experience night. The students will be recreating the river and all of the bridges in Ms. Hunts classroom.

In reading we are starting our second week of 5 by 5 by 5! Ask your child what book(s) they have read this week? I have finished reading out loud both Frozen and The Snow Queen (the traditional story the movie was based on). After reading Frozen, we will be watching the video on Thursday. Students are excited about comparing the book with the movie!

I encourage you to join in on the challenge! Can you read out loud 5 different books to your child over the next 5 weeks from 5 different genres? (They don't have to be incredibly long books that you are reading out loud.)

In math, we continue to work on the area of complex shapes. Students are also learning how to do some simple long division. This morning, students worked on the problems 428 / 4 and 28 x 5. Most everyone was able to complete both of those problems in 5 minutes or less! 

For next year it will be very important that students know to type. Here is a good free site: 


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