“Global Warming”
Global warming is a big problem. It is caused by greenhouse gases being released into the air. Once it is released it for a cover around the earth. When the sun’s rays hit the Earth, they bounce off and try to go back up but the gases trap them. This causes the Earth to be warmer.
The topic that I am studying is drought. One of the impacts of global warming is drought. They are caused because as the earth gets warmer more moisture evaporates and that means less water. Drought can kill us and animals. If we don’t stop global warming there will be no water.
Lots of things are happening because of drought. Water is needed to drink, water crops, and make electricity. Since the 1970’s, drought have become longer and more severe. Farmers, ranchers and people who live in already dry places are especially affected by drought. It is important to stop global warming to save the planet.
There are many things people can do to stop global warming. You can walk or bike instead of drive. You can turn off your computers when you’re done. You can also not leave the faucet running when you’re brushing your teeth. I am going to turn off the lights when I’m not using them.
Eleanor, it was fun to read your piece on Global warming. I remember in kindergarten the igloo you made for our IB unit "Homes Around the World". It was amazing. You are a great writer. Ms. Foster