Monday, November 21, 2011


Have you ever played 4 squared? I play every day at recess. There are 3 main rules in 4 square. You can’t hold the game ball. It can only hit your square once. Them you hit it. If you don’t think your out do rock paper scissors.

You need 3 things a line, a ball and a 4 square court. You wait on the line or the Paws you use a yellow box, this is how you play 4 square.


  1. Point: Yes, I played 4 square when I was in 4th grade. I remember it being a fun game! However I don't think I ever knew all these rules. :-) Your first paragraph is very good -- you clearly explained the 3 main rules.

    Question: In the last two sentences in the first paragraph, did you mean to say 'Then' and you're?

    Question: Is the line you wait in called 'the Paws', or is that something else? I was confused by this part. What do you use a yellow box for?

    Good effort!

    Mr. A

  2. Reese,

    I have played 4 square! My family loves to play 4 square when we get together. I really like how you pointed out the 3 main rules. I especially liked the part where you said you could do rock paper scissors if you aren't sure if you are out. We have never played this way before but it is a really good rule!

    Could you what you mean by Paws and yellow box?


    Miss L.

  3. Point: I like how you systematically tell the rules. I also like the idea of using rock-paper-scissors if you can't agree on whether or not you are out.

    Question: I would like to know more about how you would be out? Why would this be unclear to some people?

    I liked reading your description of 4-square! It reminded me of my time in school :-) Great start!

    Ms. V
