Thursday, November 17, 2011


Bird House

Do you know how to make a bird house? Well I do. So I’m going to tell you how.

What we will need to make a bird house. We will need 6 boards of wood. I’m sure you will need nails. I’m for sure you will need a hammer.

What to do when ready to fix. We will need to smooth the wood. We will connect the wood. I will need to put the nails in. For a fact hammer them studly.

We will finish it. Ask a teacher to drill a hole in the middle. Then you drill a hole at the top and put a hook in it. Do not use paint. It is only for birds to put there eggs in it.

That is it. Now you know how to make a bird house.


  1. Dear Lanaireojie,

    That birdhouse project was a very special thing, for you and a lot of other people. I like the fact that you are using your writing skills to give other people a chance to have the joy that you had. You had fun building a birdhouse and now you want other people to have the same fun. And if people read what you write and build birdhouses, think how good that will be for the birds.

    Did you make the roof straight or slanted? How big should the birdhouse be?

    Crossing Rebecca

  2. Point: It's very important for the reader to know what tools to gather before starting this project, and you made sure state that at the beginning! "What we will need to make a bird house. We will need 6 boards of wood. I’m sure you will need nails. I’m for sure you will need a hammer."

    Question: Where do you think is the best place to put a bird house? Should it be in a tree, hidden from other animals? Or should it be hung up high beside a house so you can watch it from your window?

