Tuesday, November 22, 2011


Four Square

What is four square? Have you ever played four square? Four square is a game that is very popular. Playing four square is a fun, game but has some rules.

What kind of rules do you need to know, how to play four square. One rule is don’t yell out your out, this might hurt that persons feeling. When your waiting on line don’t cut, even though somebody might let you cut them. The person behind the kid that let you cut might get upset. When you are playing four square keep the ball at chest level. If it bomb somebody in the head, you might hurt them. Listen to rules the couch tells you to do, if you listen to the coach the game will run smoothly instead of bumpy.

How do you solve problems? There are many different ways to  solve problems like a rock paper scissors. When kids have a problems they usually get in fights. If you do get in a fight you a could ignore the kid or tell a teacher, or you could play again but not taking to the person you getting fight with.

What do you need for four square? You need lots of things, but phase are the most important things you need a rubber ball, lots of people or just you people, a four square base to play and your hands so that you can hit the ball. Four square is a fun game that lots of people like.


  1. It's very mature of you to understand why there are rules and why they're important. You are very respectful and it seems like you care a lot about your school friends because you care about their feelings. That's really great. Rock paper scissors might be pretty good for now, but someday, you and your friends should talk more about the things you don't agree on. --Jill

  2. Hi Kiran,
    You did a great job at explaining how to solve and prevent problems during a game of four square. Also, I like how well you organized your paragraphs by topic.

    How would you tell someone how to play four square if they never played it before?

