Saturday, November 12, 2011


If I could have any super power in the world I would have teleporting.

I could teleport to a friends house and have more time to play with them because I could teleport home. I would also have less time cleaning up because I could pick up toys and teleport them to their place.

I also could be going anywhere I want if I could go anywhere I wanted. I would go to Hollywood, inside a book, Saturn,  and to the bottom of the ocean.

I would also be anywhere in seconds flat. I would be able to be on the other side of the earth and not be late for dinner. It would be helpful to have it because if I was at the bottom of the ocean and I needed air I could teleport to the top of the water.

Now you knew why I would want teleporting powers.


  1. Point:
    I like the power you chose and the reasons why. Specially an excerpt of the last paragraph: "I would be able to be on the other side of the earth and not be late for dinner. It would be helpful to have it because if I was at the bottom of the ocean and I needed air I could teleport to the top of the water."

    You listed a number of places you would go with your superpower. I'd like to know what would you do in those places?


  2. Point: This is very well written! I liked the many ways you thought of that being able to teleport would be useful -- especially using it to come up for air from the bottom of the ocean. That is very creative!

    Question: What do you mean by saying you could teleport to the inside of a book? Do you mean becoming part of the story? I thought it meant actually being between the pages of a book.

    This is very well written and the only other thing I can point out is that you should keep your last sentence in present tense. "Now you knew why I would want teleporting powers." You should say "know".

    I would like to be able to teleport too -- you've pointed out many more things it could be used for than I thought of!

    Mr. A

  3. I think it would be neat to have the power to teleport too, and you gave some great reasons why it would be fun and helpful.

    What book would you most like to visit?

    Crossing Rebecca

  4. cool i wish i had that power but be wise power can do things that can get you in big troble..
