Dear Families,
May Dates
Friday 9th - Jet boat field trip
Thursday 22nd - Global Experience Night
Friday 13th - New last day of school year
The students had a wonderful time watching the Jefferson dancers. They got the opportunity to watch ballet, tap, hip hop, and modern dance. We also enjoyed riding the public bus and enjoying the beautiful Portland spring weather. We also had a fantastic field trip to Whole Foods to learn all about where food comes from. Thank you for everyone who chaperoned!
In fiction reading students are are working on a learning the different between the main idea and a moral of a story. Students are also working on using evidence to support their statements. This is a skill they will use in fourth grade!
In math, we spent some time this week reviewing all of the 3rd grade common core skills that they have learned. Just like with reading, it is important to be fluent in the basics, so problem solving is easier. Look for some great challenges in finding the area of complex shapes in the homework this week! We also practiced using a new free App from the Math Learning Center. I highly recommend that you download it if you are able to do so.
Here is a link to the free Apps:
There is also an online version of the App that students can use. Most students learned the geometry words in English and went onto the challenge of mastering them in Spanish too this week!
For next year it will be very important that students know to type because the state test will include a written portion that is typed online. Please have your child practice typing any day that s/he does not have much homework. Here is a good free site: