Wednesday, May 13, 2015


Mr. and and Mrs.Iverson were worried, They had not seen their dog in two days. They were in the forest, when they saw a dear. They tried to follow the dear but it got away and they ran into an egg the size of a yoga ball.
They talked about it for a while, they thought that Mrs.Iverson should go home and get the truck. While Mr.Iverson would stay in the forest and guard the egg. When Mrs.Iverson got back to the parking lot, Mr.Iverson was waiting with the egg. He got in the back of the truck with the egg. On the ride home, Mr.Iverson decided to study the egg. Just then they got home.

They decided to keep the egg in the truck and get some dinner. After they were done eating, they went to sleep. during the night Mr. and Mrs. Iverson heard weird noises coming from the garage. When they got to the garage, they saw a huge reptile! Mr and Mrs Iverson were shocked! It had broke the light, knocked over some paint, and knocked over the garbage can, broke a rake to.Mr. Iverson was speechless while Mrs. Iverson let it fly out of the garage.

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