Tuesday, May 5, 2015


Robert Welsh was the number two businessman  in America. He made a thousand bucks a week. Robert had 6 mouths to feed. Golly!

            One day he was driving to make a speech in Pittsburgh. He was driving through a nice, peaceful forest. Suddenly three deer came by. Robert didn’t know because he was texting his wife.

            One deer crashed into the car. Robert looked up from his phone. Next thing he knew, deer antlers were where his window had been. Robert screamed. The deer pushed until Robert felt water all around him.

            He stood up. his Jeep wobbled in the water.

            “HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” Robert shrieked louder than- well anything. But there were no cars coming.

            Just then a car came by. Robert knew the person could help him. So without thinking, Robert threw his phone at the car.

            The phone crashed into the side window of the car. Then Robert saw a big white thing where the window had been. Robert realized he had set off the airbags.

Well this is great, thought Robert. Water was up to his ankles now.

A man stepped out of the car. He was a forest ranger.

“What in god’s sake are you doin’!” The forest ranger looked indescribable. But before Robert could answer, the ranger was running to the back of his car.

“What do YOU think you’re doing?” Robert yelled at back. Water was up to his knees now.
Something long and white soared through the air. Robert grabbed it. It was a rope.

“I’m saving you!” The ranger hooked his end of the rope to the back of his car.

“Swim mister!” The ranger yelled at Robert. So Robert plunged into the icy cold water.

Robert soon felt the rough asphalt of the road. He ran to thank the ranger but before he could, the ranger punched him.

Robert woke up in a hospital.

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