Monday, March 2, 2015


Did you know popcorn is 14% water? I know it seems crazy but it’s true.  Popcorn was the first puff cereal. Let me tell you more about popcorn.

Corn is from South America on the other hand popcorn is from Mexico. Popcorn is roasted corn that expands 40 times it’s size. People used it for cereal and I think they put milk on it. Colonists ate it for breakfast.

If popcorn is dry then it doesn’t pop. Most people eat popcorn as a snack. Now popcorn is flavored sometimes for eating. Here is a list of things put on popcorn butter, cheese powder, caramel, peppermint and chocolate. (kinda crazy!) The pop in popcorn is from the water if it boils it makes steam, the kernel gets compressed and pop! It’s crazy to know popcorn has water in it, right? Anyway I like popcorn when I watch a movie. I like it with butter and it’s kinda good with cheese powder too.


  1. Point: There is so much great information here. I especially liked how your writing started with something that people don't usually know! "Did you know popcorn is 14% water? I know it seems crazy but it’s true. Popcorn was the first puff cereal. Let me tell you more about popcorn."
    Also, cheese popcorn is my favourite too!

    Question: How do you like to pop your popcorn? (In the microwave? On the stove with the help of an adult? With an popcorn machine?)

    Ms. Loftus

  2. I like popcorn to I also like it when I'm watching a move Jesus
