Wednesday, February 25, 2015


One day, Angela was ice skating with her dog Shag. Angela saw a thin ice sign, but she knew Shag was well trained.Angela did 100 more laps on her ice skates. But suddenly, Shag lost her balance. She was spinning into the water by the thin ice. Angela heard a big splash. She skated towards the thin ice, but not that close. She remembered a spare ladder in the ice skating shed. Suddenly, Angela skated out of the shed with a ladder behind her. The ice skates said,”Zwoosh.”

Shag said,”Arf arf.”

Angela said,”Angela to the rescue.” Angela put the ladder down by Shag. Shag slowly climbed up the ladder and before you could say “I love dogs.” Shag was out of the water. Angela hugged
Shag so tight she barked. Then Shag licked Angela’s face.

                                                      THE END!!!


  1. I really enjoyed reading the happy ending to your story and how happy both were to be safe and sound. You described that feeling very well!
    "Angela hugged Shag so tight she barked. Then Shag licked Angela’s face."

    Besides being happy to see each other do you think they learned any lessons that would keep them safer while ice skating in the future?
