Friday, February 27, 2015

Update from Ms. Luria and HW

Homework: Due 3/6

Important Dates

3/2 Run for the Arts pledge sheets go home
3/6 at 2:30 January, February and March birthday parties
3/11 - PTA meeting
3/17 - Run for the Arts
3/18 - Late start
3/23 - Spring break

Dear Families,

We had a fantastic week at school. Students learned all about bridges and even got to break their own pasta bridges. If you scroll down you can see some pictures of the bridges that students built and then broke.

Students also performed their speeches. They did a wonderful job writing and then publicly speaking about the history of a food. Over the next few weeks I'll be posting some of their speeches on the blog. 

In math we continue to work with fractions. Students are making so many gains in their understanding of fractions. We are working on putting fractions on number lines and finding fractions that are greater than one. If it has been a while since you have done this . . . here is a video I recommend that you watch about fractions:

Finally, we started to practice how to use the computer interface for the state test. It is part of students homework to practice with the state test online so they are comfortable with the website. Please make sure that you are going online with your child to look at the test and help your child get comfortable with the test. If you are opting out of the test, please let the school know ASAP. 

Here is a link to both the tests and the answer keys to the practice tests:

Have a wonderful weekend,

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Bridge Building and Bridge Breaking

We had such an exciting day! Students learned all about compression and tension, and then they got to try their hand at designing and bridge structure. Next, they built the bridges out of pasta and in the end, they tested their bridges.

Thank you to all of the volunteers that made this possible. We could not have done it without your support, hot glue gun expertise and general help!

Here are some pictures as well as the results:

Diamond Crown - Most reinforcement
Larkington Bridge - Lightest bridge
Copper Bridge - Best Cantilever Truss
Lincoln Memorial - Cleanest design
AWA - Best Truss
Wood 18th - Most efficient bridge (strongest)


Poem for Dr. Seuss

Dreams big and wild
Really creative

Super amazing

Wednesday, February 25, 2015


Dear Ms. Luria,

I want to go to this place because (A) we can learn from them, (B) we can watch their behavior and (C) we could maybe have fun petting them.  

I want to go to the Humane Society for our feild trip to learn about animals.  
We could learn from them by asking about how old they usually live up to or if they were taken to the Adoption Center when they were little.

Also we can watch their behavior to see if the’ve adapted to living in a cage.  That would be interesting, (unless the’re sleeping.)

The funnest part would be petting them.  The class might like that.

I think we should go to the Humane Society for our feild trip!




Troy and Lisa were driving and all of a sudden, POW their tire had popped. Troy and Lisa and Sandy their dog all got out of the car Lisa offered to fix the tire. Troy decided to walk Sandy.Sandy saw a squirrel. Troy lost his grip on the leash. Sandy was close to a bank. He fell in the river. Troy ran to get Lisa. Lisa grabbed the wheel and the leash. Lisa ran over to the river,  And through the tire. She pulled Sandy out of the river.


The king counted money. He had four stacks of coins.He had a big long list. He wore a robe. He wore a crown. He had a list full of numbers.He wrote with a feather. He counted in a castle. He wore slippers. He sat on a stool at a table. He had a treasure chest full of coins.


Why birthday parties are dangerous - a true story by Ayla

Once upon a time, I (me)  went to a  birthday party. It was very fun we got to eat pizza and  cupcakes.  But wait, i   haven't  gotten  to  to the  dangerous part yet. We  also  did mad libs.  Mad libs are stories with blanks in them, so little red riding hood  turned into little slimy riding pants.                                                                                              

At the end of the party we  had  a dance  party.(dance parties are  dangerous!!!!) but who could resist?! So I danced. I looove dance . We danced around a  girl  named wren. It was a lot of fun until tried to spin while the  circle around  wren  was moving. I fell to  the  ground  ‘aaa!’ It hurt literally! Hospital time!

 WARNING! Birthday parties are dangerous!


The king counted coins.  He stacked  up  money. He wore a robe, crown, and slippers. He wrote the numbers with a feather pen on his list.

The End


The king counted the coins. He had stacks of coins. He sat on a stool. He wrote with a feather pen. He wore a crown, robe and slippers.


Tom was excited. It was his first time going lobster fishing by himself.It was a beautiful day in Maine, perfect for lobster fishing.

Tom sailed out into the Atlantic Ocean.He noticed there was some clouds in the sky. Tom shrugged and kept rowing.

He came to a rocky part of the ocean. He set his lobster traps there. He waited.
Tom shivered. There was a breeze coming in. Tom pulled up a trap.He felt the boat rock. Tom pulled up another trap and-BOOM! The boat tipped over. Tom went underwater.

He held his breath and closed his eyes until he felt a rock. He grabbed it and pulled himself up. He gasped and stood up.

“OW!” he shrieked. Tom looked ahead. There were tons of rocks, but there was an island too.

Every step Tom took he said “OW”. He finally came to the island.But then he saw seashells.Tom groaned.That meant MORE things to step on. But that gave Tom an idea.

Tom arranged the seashells to spell “HELP”.He waited. And waited.AND WAITED.

After a couple THOUSAND hours of waiting, Tom got hungry. So he decided to search the island for food. He came across what he thought was a rosemary bush. So he picked a leaf and ate it.

“OWWWWWWWW!” He ran to the shore and dunked his face in the water. But then he remembered it was salt water. His tongue burned.He realized he had ate stinging nettles.Oh boy! Tom thought.

Then he remember the cure for stinging nettles. Ferns.He ran back to the area where he had found the needles.

Tom found some ferns. He quickly ate them. They tasted TERRIBLE, but they got rid of the stinging.

Tom collapsed in a pile of leaves.He couldn’t believe he was still alive. He opened his eyes. There was a tree with a coconut above his head.]

He stood up with joy. He jumped up like when he was shooting a hoop in basketball.He felt his hands grip the slippery shell of the coconut. He fell into the leaves with the coconut.
Tom cracked open the shell of the coconut.He put the coconut to his lips.The sweet milk had never tasted better. Tom yawned and went to sleep.

Tom heard a buzzing noise. He jerked awake. There was a helicopter right above him.
A ladder fell from the helicopter.Tom raced up the ladder.He strapped himself into the seat next to the pilot.

“Are you the missing boy, Tom?” the pilot asked him. Tom nodded.

“Good thinking. We wouldn’t have been able to locate you without the help message,” Tom nodded again. He was too tired to speak.

“I’ll check the weather next time,” Tom promised.


One day, Angela was ice skating with her dog Shag. Angela saw a thin ice sign, but she knew Shag was well trained.Angela did 100 more laps on her ice skates. But suddenly, Shag lost her balance. She was spinning into the water by the thin ice. Angela heard a big splash. She skated towards the thin ice, but not that close. She remembered a spare ladder in the ice skating shed. Suddenly, Angela skated out of the shed with a ladder behind her. The ice skates said,”Zwoosh.”

Shag said,”Arf arf.”

Angela said,”Angela to the rescue.” Angela put the ladder down by Shag. Shag slowly climbed up the ladder and before you could say “I love dogs.” Shag was out of the water. Angela hugged
Shag so tight she barked. Then Shag licked Angela’s face.

                                                      THE END!!!


Dear Ms. Luria,

There is only one place that is educational and fun.  I think we should go to humane society for our field trip because it is educational a short ride and is not very much money.  

The humane society it the best place to go because it is the closest place to go I go there with my family.  I only takes 21 minute’s and we have to get back before school is out the humane society is the best place to go because it is the closest place.  

It also the best place to go because it is not expensive it would only cost 25$ and we won’t have to pay someone to teach us about it and you don’t have to pay to walk in I think we should go to the humane society for our field trip another reason we should go it that it is very educational we can lean animal’s and learn about there adaptation’s and how they adapt to a indoor life.  

I think our class should go to the humane society for our field trip because it is education a short ride and not much money the humane society is the only place to go to have fun and learn at the same time.  




Dear Ms. Luria,

There is only one place for a field trip that is both educational and fun. I think that our class should go to the zoo for the field trip. It would help us see animal adaptations. It is close to school, and it is cheap on Wednesdays.

The zoo is the best place to go because it is close to school. It will take about 20 minutes. Also, we will have to get to school for dismissal. Finally, we can get there easily. The zoo is the best place for our field trip because it is close.

I think we should go to the zoo. It is the best place to go because it will help us see animal adaptations an it’s cheaper on Wednesdays. We should go to the zoo because we are learning animal adaptation. We won’t have to pay as much money.

I think our class should go to the zoo for our field trip. It would help us see animal adaptation. It is close to school and it is cheap on Wednesday. The zoo is the only place for students to learn and have fun at the same time!




Mr Wingate had a bad day. He worked at BSA (butterfly study association) and was trying to catch a rare butterfly with his net.He had followed the butterfly into a bush.But then he saw a bear cub. The cub screamed. His mother was coming.Mr. Wingate ran.

He kept running until he hit a tree. The mother bear was right behind him.He scrambled up the tree. He grabbed his net but the bear got it first. Bill Wingate screamed louder than a train. The cub howled. The mother bear went back to her kid.Mr. Wingate jumped out of the tree.

He ran and ran and ran.He turned around to see if the bar was coming. She wasn’t. But then -OW- he crashed into a beehive! More bears came. Next thing he knew, he was at BSA headquarters. He sped through the door. He was finally safe.


One day Betty was on the phone when suddenly Betty’s cat came out of nowhere and tried to eat her bird.The bird went in a tree. The cat climbed up the tree and got too scared to come down.Magicly a fire fighter appeared. It got the hose and sprayed the cat and bird out of the tree.The fire fighter shook hands with Betty and dissapeared. The cat drank milk and the bird got back in its cage.

                         The End!

Tuesday, February 24, 2015


One of my favorite foods is soup. I like soup because it can taste creamy, sour, sweet and spicy. Soup is also very good for you. some examples of my favorite soups are clam chowder, chili, potato, leak soup and many others.

Soup can be made with whatever you like. You can make it yourself. Your friends can make it. I like to make homemade soups with my mom.

Breaking Bridges

We are going to be breaking bridges on Thursday! All three classrooms still need volunteers to make this work! Here is a video (upside down) of a sample bridge break. To volunteer, you help students with glue guns create the bridges and then get to watch the actual breaking of the bridges. We need help this Thursday from 12 - 3!

Thank you.



My favorite food is rice. These mushy little specks of white are delicious. Rice can have many things on it like butter, sauces, and can be mixed with other things. I like white rice plain, no butter, no nothing!

I like rice because it doesn't have a really strong flavor, but it still has some flavor. It also so has a wet kind of feel. I wish I could eat rice more often.


The Princess

The Princess went out to her garden and said to herself with glee, "It is time that I go to the bakery." She found a taxi and said, "No need to be paid. I will pay you with the money from my maid." She got some donuts and a cake and left some for the driver. She knew the king would be mad, so she asked the driver for something to disguise her. The Princess.


Today we watched videos about where food comes from. Many of the foods I learned about are grown in Mexico. I just visited Mexico with my family,so I want to share some facts about foods that are grown in Mexico, such as bananas, pineapples, coffee, chocolate, oranges and tomatoes.
 The foods that are grown in Mexico today have not always grown there. For example, oranges were first grown in China and bananas are from Malaysia. Coffee was first grown in Africa and pineapples were first grown in Brazil. Lots of tomatoes grow in Mexico today but were originally grown in Peru. Delicious and yummy chocolate was first grown in Mexico where it still grows today.
 It was so interesting to learn about foods that grow in Mexico since I just went there. Now when I eat foods that are grown in mexico, I can remember my fun trip.

Practice test for state testing

Here is the link for the practice tests for the state test: Practice test

Sunday, February 22, 2015


Dear Ms. Luria,

The art museum is the best place to go because it is close to our school.  We can spen more time there.  It will take a little to get there.  We will be on perfect timeing when we come back for dismissal.  The art museum is the closest to our school.  We might see a famous person.  I relly love to learn artist names.  

I think that we should go to the art museum.  We might see a famous person.  I love to learn artist names.  Also it’s close to school.  The art museum is the most, place to go because we can learn more art.



Dear Ms. Luria,

Did you now that this place in fun and educational?  It’s a great place to learn.  I think our class should go to OMSI for are field trip.  OMSI is close to school, it’s cheap and it is educational.
OMSI is the best place to go because it is educational.  If we go to OMSI for are field trip.  We could learn a lot about adaptations or what we are learning about in school.  There are also lots of science experiments that we could do.  When I go there with my family I learn a lot of stuff that I didn’t now before.
OMSI is the best place to go because it is close to school.  It’s only 20 minutes away from school.  Since we don’t know how much a school bus would cost it would just be 10 minutes longer if we take TRIMET.
Another reason we should go to OMSI is it is cheap.  Each person costs 7 Dollars each.  The Bus would cost 1 Dollar per person.  

I think that our class should go to OMSI for our field trip.  OMSI is close to school.  It is also cheap and educational.  OMSI is the best place to go for our field trip.




Dear Ms. Luria,
There is only one place for a field trip that is both educational and fun.  I think that our class should go to the zoo for their field trip.  It’s close to the school.  It’s close to the school.  It’s fun.  and it’s cheap.  
It’s fun because we can learn a lot about animals.  It’s fun because we can see animals.  It’s fun because we can learn what they eat.  
I think we should go to the zoo because we can learn how they communicate, how they move, how they eat.



Doug was  a taxi driver except he drove a wagon. He usually didn’t  get any business. Then 1 day a man and his daughter went on a ride on the wagon. Doug’s friend was  fixing  a fence near where they were riding.Doug was so happy. Then the horse heard a BOOM a big BOOM.The horse got scared and started running really fast.

Doug lost control of the horse and fell off.The man said,’’Oh no.’’
The man’s daughter screamed,’’Help help.’’Kate heard the girl  and  went to rescue her.she got on her horse .

The horse started running. Kate caught up with the wagon. Kate come down the horse  and  attached a rope to the horse to control the horse.  The man and his daughter were now safe,now I will never ride with Doug again.

Friday, February 20, 2015

Update from Ms. Luria

Homework: Due 2/27

Important Dates

2/24- Tuesday -10 - 11 AM presentation about building bridges (parents are welcome to attend)
2/26 - Thursday - Pasta bridge building challenge - glue guns needed
2/27 - Friday at 2:30 February and January Birthday parties

Dear Families,

We had an exciting week in school. This week we had two Oregon Battle of the Books battles. Our students did very well in all of their battles! Next week we will have three more battles. Some of the times have yet to be determined, but we know that: 
  • Team Luria will be battling on Friday at 2 pm. 
  • Blooming Pearls will be battling at 2:30 on Friday. 
  • Moonstones will be battling on Wednesday 2 pm.
This coming week we also will be starting our IB unit on How the World Works! We will be studying all about Bridges! We encourage you to come to one of the most exciting events in this unit - the Pasta Bridge Challenge. Students will have one hour to create a bridge out of pasta and then they will be load tested and broken on Thursday afternoon. Please feel free to come and watch around 2:30 on Thursday, or help out from noon till 3pm. We still need 3 adult volunteers for this activity to work! Please email me to let me know if you can come or write me a note.

Speeches will be held next week as well. Your child has been researching a food and will give a 2-4 minute speech on Monday, Wednesday or Friday on their chosen food. This is the culminating activity for our IB unit on food and culture around the world.

Monday at 8:30 speeches - Valynn, Tyonna, Davis, Yanci, Ayla, Wallace, Kaimen, Sadie, Heaven
Wednesday at 8:30 speeches - Eleanor, Adah, Wren, Preston, Patrick, Bibi, Sarah, Eliza, Jesus
Friday at 9:30 speeches - Calub, Emmy, Weston, Curtis, Ian, Johnny, Sophia and Sha'Day

Have a wonderful weekend,

Wednesday, February 18, 2015


Troy took his dog for a walk while his big sister fixed the car. His dog tried to chase a squirrel.

Troy tried to hold on the dog’s leash,but  it was to hard to hold on. The dog leaped toward the squirrel and on the edge of the stream,but he missed and landed in  the stream.The squirrel climbed a tree.Troy yelled,”Help Help!”.His sister saw his dog and grabbed a tire and tied a extra leash. She threw the tire into the stream to  help the dog.The dog climbed the tire.

Friday, February 13, 2015

Update from Ms. Luria and Homework

Homework Link: Due 2/20

2/16 - Monday - No School
2/18 - Wednesday - Late Start
2/19 - Thursday - Scholastic orders due
2/24- Tuesday -9:30 - 10:30 AM presentation about building bridges (parents are welcome to attend)
2/26 - Thursday - Pasta bridge building challenge - glue guns needed
2/27 - Friday at 2:30 February and January Birthday parties

Dear Families,

We had a very busy week. This Friday the students worked on the art project for the auction. They are making a quilt and making blocks with different fruits and vegetables on the squares.

Here are some pictures - sorry they are sideways!

In reading we read all about the solar system and learned more about how to synthesis information from text and illustrations.

In math we continue our work on fractions. We are starting to work with fractions that are greater than one whole.

Thank you for a fantastic week!

Friday, February 6, 2015

Homework link, 3rd grade Nuts and Bolts about Valentine's Day and Update

Here is a link for the Homework this week:
If your child writes personalized Valentine's Day cards to each student with 2+ sentences per child, they are excused from the regular homework on the week.

We still need volunteers to sign up for our Valentine's Day party this Friday afternoon! Please come and help out:

Dear Families,

We had a very exciting week! Many students have new writing pieces on the blog. I encourage you to read your child's writing by clicking on their name. Students also love comments! Please write one or two sentences (including to your own child) giving encouraging words about their writing.

This week we had multiple battle for Battle of the Books. Students were all excited and enjoyed their battles. Every group will be competing again in the next round of battles.

Here is a picture of the battle brackets:

In science we have been observing an amaryllis bulb since before winter break. Every week (or few days toward the end) students have been measuring the height of the bulb. Our amaryllis bulb had three buds and was beautiful. Unfortunately it fell to the ground this week. After we got over our initial sadness about that, we dissected the flowers and made scientific sketches today. Here is an example of one of our sketches done by Eleanor.

On Friday we had an engineer come and talk with our class all about electricity, potential energy, science and many other things. Students really enjoyed the talk and learned all about engineering. Here is a fun engineering activity you can try at home with simple items found around the house:

Have a wonderful week!

Here are next week's battle times:

Friday 2:30 Luria’s (Yanci, Ayla, Johnny and Tyonna) Vs. Team VELT (Bennett’s students)
All other teams have the week to STUDY, STUDY and STUDY some more!

Here is a list for the Valentine's Day cards:

Ms. Luria
Ms. Eure
Ms. Sarah


My favorite food is crepes. Crepes are a thin breakfast food. Crepes are just like pancakes except they are thin and taste a lot better. I like to eat crepes with syrup, but I don't really like pancakes that much. I think crepes come from France because the word crepe is French. People usually eat crapes wrapped in the shape of a cylinder at breakfast time.


My favorite food is pizza. I like it because I like bread, pizza sauce and cheese. I have pizza at home for dinner but I have it at school too. Cheese pizza is my favorite kind of pizza. Pizza is my favorite food.

Pizza is from a place called Italy. Tomatoes for tomato sauce were brought by some explorers. Pizza had traveled across their world and finally got to the USA. It would be cool if there were lot's more kinds of pizza. Pizza is my favorite food.


My favorite food is seaweed because it is crunchy. Seaweed can be made in different ways. The wassabi seaweed is spicy, but just a little bit. Seaweed is from the sea. So basically, you are eating seafood.

I eat seaweed sometimes in the morning. I buy seaweed at Trader Joe's. Sometimes I eat it at my house or in the car. Seaweed is a great snack because you go to school or before you go to bed.


My favorite food is pizza. I like cheese on my pizza because it's good. I don't like pepperoni on my pizza because it is too spicy. My favorite part of the pizza is the crust because it is crunchy. I hope I can have pizza soon.


My favorite food is mangoes. I like them because they are sweet and a little bit sour. I eat mangoes in the summer time. I like mangoes plain with nothing on them. Mangoes taste really food and I like their colors. Mangoes are bright orange and yellow. The colors make me feel happy.

I eat mangoes in the summertime. I usually eat them outside. I first ate mangoes in Mexico when I was in kindergarten. In Mexico I always ate mangoes outside. I am excited to eat mangoes this summer.


My favorite food is sushi. I like sushi because it has ingredients I like: seaweed, rice, fish and avocado. I like eating sushi at restaurants and at home. The first time I tried sushi I was five or six years old so I only liked the California roll. I still don't like any other sushi than the California roll. I hope I can eat sushi again.


I like beans because they are delicious and they are very healthy for you. They also feel very good on your throat if your throat is dry. Did you know that you can make stuff like bean soup? Did you know that beans can be baked, fried, raw, cold, hot or warm?


My favorite food is strawberries. I like strawberries because they are sweet and juicy. The first time I had strawberries was when I was 2 years old or 3 years old. The first time I had strawberries was when I was at my uncle's house, I think. I like strawberries with peanut butter, or just plain. I hope I get to eat strawberries for many, many more years.

I eat strawberries when it is hot and sunny. I like strawberries because they are red, and I like their yellow seeds. I like the tiny little strawberries. I like strawberries in smoothies. I hope strawberries keep on growing for many more years.


My favorite food is tortellini. Tortellini is my favorite food because when I eat it, it has lots of cheese on it. Just so you know, tortellini is a pasta with either cheese, chicken, or beef inside of it. I usually eat tortellini at dinner, but I occasionally eat it at lunch. This is my favorite food and I have proof. I gobble up to two servings of this at home. That is why I love tortellini!!!!!


Noodles are a delicious way to start the day. They are long, wet strings of goodness. My opinion about noodles is that they are utterly great. You can slurp them up in one bite with Parmesan cheese or spaghetti sauce. Both are good. I think that noodles are perfect for Saturday night meals before watching a movie. I really want tor try having some before a movie sometime. Even though I don't have noodles that much I really, really, really like them.

My idea for a meal with noodles is lots and lots of Parmesan chess on long, stringy noodles. Yum! Noodles are so good! For me, I could smell noodles a mile away. Noodles are very delicious! Chewing noodles is like eating gummy bears but more easy to chew.

I feel like I could eat noodles every single day. The are just, well... so good! I am crazy for noodles!


My favorite food is pizza because I LOVE cheese and pepperoni and also tomato sauce. I love pizza because I eat it all the time at my house. I love pizza because I think it's the best (in my opinion.) When I have pizza I wolf it down at the house. I think pizza is the best thing ever. I don't care if it is sewer pizza. I LOVE PIZZA!

Pizza is the best thing in the world (in my opinion, again.) If you ordered pizza, well, too bad. I stole it and ate it. I love pizza more than anything in the world (beside by family.) Maybe sometime you should try pizza. You better hurry before I steal it. So if you are reading this, if you decide to order pizza, nom nom nom. Nice pizza you ordered! Is it pepperoni and cheese? Nom nom nom.


My favorite food is pineapple. Pineapple is a sweet, yellow fruit. When I was five and six and I ate pineapple, my tongue would get itchy, and it would sting a bit too. That doesn't happen anymore though. I am glad because I LOVE pineapple. It is my favorite food in the world!!

Pineapple looks like a big yellow pine cone with green leaves sprouting on the top. Pineapple has a sweet and tangy taste. I like pineapple in my lunch!


Pizza has a juicy taste when you chew it. That's a reason why I like pizza. You can put toppings on the pizza, and I like to eat pizza with my grandma.


I love watermelon because it has seeds in it. When I ate a watermelon it tasted really good. I wish someone else could taste the delicious watermelon. After that, done! Done with the delicious watermelon.