Friday, November 7, 2014


How the Watch Got Down the Toilet
By Sarah Neel

          “Honey, Syd and Clarence need food and water.  I’m leaving!”  Dad left the house.
Mom came downstairs.  “Wait,” she said to our cats.  “I’m not dressed.”  She laughed and went back upstairs.
Mom came downstairs.  She was wearing her old watch.  She took off her watch and put in on the counter.  Then she fed the cats.
“Mommy, I need help starting the shower.”  I called from the bathroom.
Mom went down the hall to help me.  She forgot her watch.
Syd noticed the watch first.  She jumped up onto the kitchen counter, grabbed the watch and jumped back down.

          Clarence noticed that Syd had the watch.  He started tugging it away from Syd.  Syd tugged back.  It was like tug-a-war for cats. 
Mom left the bathroom after helping me start the shower.  She left the bathroom door open.
Syd and Clarence tugged their way down the hall.  Clarence pulled he and Syd into the bathroom.
I heard the bathroom door creak.  I saw Syd and Clarence playing tug-a-war with something.  I couldn’t tell what because the bathroom was misty.
          “Mom, Syd and Clarence are playing with something,” I shouted.  She couldn’t hear me.  I didn’t care. 
Syd gave up.  Or I least I thought so.  She jumped onto the toilet seat and let go of the watch.
Clarence looked very pleased with himself.  He trotted around the bathroom, waving the watch in Syd’s face.
Then Clarence suddenly realized I was in the room.  He let go of the watch to go see me.

The watch flung into the air and landed onto the toilet.
Syd quickly grabbed the watch and hopped onto the flusher area.  But then she saw a box of tissues. She loved tissues.
She immediately dropped the watch so she could play with the tissues.  The watch had been dropped in the toilet.  I knew it fell because I heard a plop.
The object had fallen.
Syd stopped playing with tissues.  Clarence stopped sniffing me.  Syd took a step and her paw pushed on the flusher.
Oh no I thought.
“Sarah!” my mother called.  “Time to get dressed!”
I hopped back into the shower as my mom came in.
“Alright time to get out,” my mom said, closing the door.  She turned off the shower and picked me up.  She took me upstairs to my room. 
“Sarah do you know where my watch went?”
Ohhh I thought.  THAT was what went down the toilet.
“Um the cats flushed it down the toilet.”

My mom laughed.  “You have the greatest imagination, Sarah bear.”  She rubbed my head.

My mom never did look in the sewer for it.


  1. great writing and punctuation and detail

  2. This is a well written story. There is good use of imagery so that I really could imagine this happening. The title is perfect to set the tone of what to expect.

  3. That was a funny story .
    from Eleanor
