Wednesday, November 26, 2014


Dear Ms. Luria,

We should go to the zoo for our field trip.  It is close to school.  It is cheap and the animals are fun to watch.

The zoo is close to school.  It only takes 20 minutes to get there on TRIMET.

We should go to the zoo because it is cheap.  The bus is free for kids.  If we take the bus we won’t have to pay for parking.  The zoo only costs $4 on Wednesday!

We should go to the zoo because it has animals.  We can learn how they eat, sleep, and learn.  We can see life cycles.

We should go to the zoo for our field trip because it is the best place to go.  It is close to school.  It is cheap!  We can see animals and the zoo is educational and fun!




Dear Ms. Luria,

I know an educational and fun place to go to on our field trip. I think our class should go to the Art Museum for our class field trip. We could learn about Different paintings, different techniques to paint and different artists and how they paint.

The Art Museum is the best place to go because we could learn about different paintings. Each painting is painted differently. They all use different techniques, and different artists painted them.

I think the Art Museum is a good place to go because we could learn different ways to paint. If we learn different techniques it might help us in art class. It might be helpful later on in life. It might even help us if we become artists later on in life.

The Art Museum is a good place to go because we could learn about different artists and how they paint. Some kids in our class might want to learn about different artists. Some people might want to learn about what different artists paint. Some kids might want to learn how many paintings each artist painted. Therefore, the Art Museum is the best place for a field trip.




Dear Ms. Luria,

Did you know that there is a place that may have people from the past and future? I think that our class should go to the theater for the field trip. It is interesting. We could see the past in plays, and also we could see people we think we know.

The theater is the best place to go because it will have an interesting play. It is interesting. We could see the past in plays, and also we could see people we might know from the past. We might see a famous person like Louis Armstrong and other people.

I think that the class would like the theater because it will be fun.




Dear Ms. Luria,
      I think that a lot of people like going to this fun educational place.  I think that our class should go to the Zoo for our field trip.  The Zoo is close to school, is free sometimes and we can learn animal adaptations and facts.
The Zoo is the best place to go because it is the closest place to our school.  It only takes about 20 minutes to get there on a bus in addition we need to get back to school so we don’t miss dismissal plus we can get back to school early.  The Zoo is the best place to go because it is very close to school.
  The Zoo is also a good place to go because it is free sometimes and we can learn animal adaptations.  Since the Zoo is free sometimes it would cost less money plus we are learning about animal adaptations so we can learn more.  The Zoo is a good place to go to for a field trip because it is free sometimes and we can learn animal adaptations. 
   I think that our class should go to the Zoo for our field trip.  It is close to school, is free sometimes and we can learn animal adaptations.  I think everyone likes this fun place for learning.


Dear Ms. Luria,

          There is only one place for a field trip that is both educational and fun.  I think our class should go to the art museum for our field trip.  We can learn about famous artists and what their paintings are about.  The art museum probably has awesome paintings.

          I think the art museum is a good idea because we can see what artist paintings look like.  The art museum seems like it is awesome.  It would be educational if people talked to the class about artists’ paintings and how beautiful they are.  The art museum probably has beautiful art.  I think it has awesome art even though I have never been there. 

          I think our class should go to the art museum for our field trip.  We can learn about famous artists.  Also we can learn what their paintings looked like.  Therefore the art museum is the most educational also it is fun.

          I think our class should go to the art museum for our field trip.  We can learn about famous artists.  Also we can learn about what their paintings mean.  The art museum seems like it has awesome exciting paintings, also it is close to school. In addition we have to get to school in time for dismissal.  Therefore the art museum is the most educational, also it is really fun.




Dear Ms. Luria,

          The zoo is a fun place because the polar bears and penguins swim. The food is good and the people are nice. The zoo is the best place for our field trip because we can get there fast.

          We can take the bus to the Max station and ride to the zoo. It would take thirty minutes. There would be no parking charge.

          There is only one place for a field trip that is both educational and fun. I think that our class should go to the zoo. The zoo is close by MAX, free on Wednesday and fun.

          The zoo is the best place for a field trip.


Dear Ms.Luria,

Most kids have never been to this place before. there is only one place that is both fun and educational. I think our class should go to the humane society, besides the humane society  is educational, close to school and cheap.

The humane society is the best place to go because it is educational. Students could learn about animals and how the humane society has impacted animals and their life and behavior and adaptations  . The humane society is the best place to go for our field trip  because it is very educational.

The  Humane Society is the best place to go because it is close school, does not cost a lot of money and it is only about 5-10 minutes to get there.  It is only about 1$ per person.

I think that our class should go to the humane society for a field trip. It is very  educational.



Monday, November 24, 2014

Life cycle flip books

Today we made life cycle flip books. If you would like to do another one at home, here is the link:

Have a great day,

Friday, November 21, 2014

Update from Ms. Luria

Here is a link to this week's homework: Due Monday after Thanksgiving holiday
Here is a link to this week's spelling words: Spelling words

Dear Families,

Please remember that next week we only have school on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. If you will be out of town early, please let me know!

Here is a weekly roundup!


  • We learned about opinion and persuasive writing
  • Ask your child about the letter they are writing! Who are they writing to? What is their thesis statement? What are their supporting reasons?


  • We finished our unit and place value and subtraction. Overall students deepened their understanding of subtraction and what it means when you borrow across hundreds. 
  • Our upcoming unit is about multiplication.
  • When you are at the store - ask your child questions like:
    • If the bananas are about $3 a pound, how much would it cost if we buy 4 bananas.
    • For Thanksgiving we need 1 bunch of greens for two people. We have 12 people coming. How many bunches should we buy?
    • You could also ask your child to tally how much groceries cost as you go to the store in general! 
  • Please continue to have your child practice at home. I do assign specific lessons for each child to practice! 
IB and reading

  • If you look below this post you will see many of the questions students had as well as resources to help them answer their questions. This will give you an idea of what we are studying! 
Have a wonderful and safe weekend and Thanksgiving!


Wednesday, November 19, 2014

IB questions

Our students have so many questions for this IB unit.

Our guiding question is:
How to do living things adapt?

Are all owls nocturnal and why?

What sorts of adaptations do snakes have?

How do turtles go back to their nesting spots to lay their eggs?

Can elephants live anywhere in the world? What about where there is snow?

How did dolphins get into the water?
    (complicated article)

What adaptations have humans done over time to be how we are now?

Why do birds have wings? and many other questions about birds

How did chameleons evolve to be able to change colors?   (more complicated)

Why do kangaroos box with each other?

Why do rattle snakes have rattles?

Why don't all birds fly?
   (very clear answers)

How did we get domesticated cats, dogs and other animals?

Have polar bears always lived in cold climates?
   (more complicated)


“I need candy!” groaned Feester (a 9 year old boy who had a taste for sweets.) Then he perked up. He ran to his piggy bank and shook it. A penny fell out. Not enough for candy.
“Mom, can I borrow 10 dimes, 6 nickels and 14 pennies from your bank?!” yelled Feester down the stairs.
“No, way too much candy. Way too much money” said Feester’s mother.
Feester groaned again.
Then he got an idea. He would steal candy. He grabbed a bag and ran out the door.
He got to Barty’s Candy Shop and opened the door. He grabbed a Hershey’s chocolate bar, a bag of 107 Jelly Beans, 7 Reese’s Pieces, 4 bags of gum drops and 2 lolly pops. He smuggled the candy into his bag and ran out the door.
He smiled with glee. He had stolen without getting caught. He had soooooooooooooooooooooooo much candy.
Once he had gotten home he told his mother that he had cans in his bag for his school project. He lied apparently. He ran to his room and was just about to plop a jelly bean into his mouth when a rush of guilt ran through him.
“I have to give this candy back!” he said automatically.
He rushed back to Barty’s Candy Shop and started putting the candy back one by one. He tried not to get noticed.
“Hey there!” called Mr. Barty. He walked over.
“Why are you putting all of that candy away?” he asked.
“Uh” said Feester.
“And why is that jelly bean bag half open?” Barty raged.
“You have been stealing!” he grabbed poor Feester by the scruff.
“But” stuttered Feester.
“No but’s” yelled Barty. Barty was really angry.
He took his cell phone and dialed 911.
“Weeeooo Weeeooo” police cars surrounded them.
“This boy has been stealing my candy” said Barty.
“Hands up boy” said a police.
They brought out a pair of hand cuffs and clamped them around Feester’s hands. Then they sat him in the back of the police car. Bars crossed the car windows. Then they started driving Feester to jail to be arrested.
“Oh boy” whispered Feester.
The police lead the boy to a cell.
“Now, tell us what really happened” said a police.
“So, what happened was, I really like candy but I didn’t have any money so I decided to steal.”
“And?” said the police.
“And then I felt guilty so I tried to give it back unnoticed, but Mr. Barty caught me red handed.”
The policeman smiled.
“A smart boy to use ‘red handed’” he whispered to his companion.
“So stealing wasn’t a good choice was it?” a policeman asked.
“No, it wasn’t” said Feester.
Then the police got up and left.
The police came back. “We called your mother. She was worried sick about you. She says it’s okay if you come home.” He paused. “If you want to... “
Feester jumped up. “I want to!”
Then they drove Feester home.
“Feester!” said his mother as she game him about 1000 kisses. “Don’t ever steal again,” she said. Then she burst out crying.
“I’m sorry Mom,” said Feester.
Then Feester and his family live happily ever after.
No! Not the end. Barty still didn’t forgive Feester.
No! Then Feester explained and Barty forgave him.


Friday, November 7, 2014

Update from Ms. Luria and pictures

Dear Families,

We had such a wonderful week! Students finished their realistic fiction and/or narrative stories and shared them with the class on Friday. You can see some of the stories on the blog that students completed. Students choose and either read their story out loud once to the whole class, or three different times to smaller groups of students.

We also had a phenomenal field trip where we learned about salmon adaptations, climbed up to Multnomah falls and planted saplings to create more shade.

In science we are learning about animal adaptations. Ask your child about an example of how an animal adapts to its environment!

Not only did we learn about animal adaptations, but also about plant adaptations. Ask your child what SWAN means and about the three different types of leaves. 

Students finished their first IB unit. They created designs of coins and designed their own symbols! They also wrote an essay about their coins. If you have not seen them, please check them out on our bulletin board. 

Thank you for all of your Scholastic Book orders. These are just some of the books we were able to add to our school library because of your orders!

Have a wonderful four day weekend!



How the Watch Got Down the Toilet
By Sarah Neel

          “Honey, Syd and Clarence need food and water.  I’m leaving!”  Dad left the house.
Mom came downstairs.  “Wait,” she said to our cats.  “I’m not dressed.”  She laughed and went back upstairs.
Mom came downstairs.  She was wearing her old watch.  She took off her watch and put in on the counter.  Then she fed the cats.
“Mommy, I need help starting the shower.”  I called from the bathroom.
Mom went down the hall to help me.  She forgot her watch.
Syd noticed the watch first.  She jumped up onto the kitchen counter, grabbed the watch and jumped back down.

          Clarence noticed that Syd had the watch.  He started tugging it away from Syd.  Syd tugged back.  It was like tug-a-war for cats. 
Mom left the bathroom after helping me start the shower.  She left the bathroom door open.
Syd and Clarence tugged their way down the hall.  Clarence pulled he and Syd into the bathroom.
I heard the bathroom door creak.  I saw Syd and Clarence playing tug-a-war with something.  I couldn’t tell what because the bathroom was misty.
          “Mom, Syd and Clarence are playing with something,” I shouted.  She couldn’t hear me.  I didn’t care. 
Syd gave up.  Or I least I thought so.  She jumped onto the toilet seat and let go of the watch.
Clarence looked very pleased with himself.  He trotted around the bathroom, waving the watch in Syd’s face.
Then Clarence suddenly realized I was in the room.  He let go of the watch to go see me.

The watch flung into the air and landed onto the toilet.
Syd quickly grabbed the watch and hopped onto the flusher area.  But then she saw a box of tissues. She loved tissues.
She immediately dropped the watch so she could play with the tissues.  The watch had been dropped in the toilet.  I knew it fell because I heard a plop.
The object had fallen.
Syd stopped playing with tissues.  Clarence stopped sniffing me.  Syd took a step and her paw pushed on the flusher.
Oh no I thought.
“Sarah!” my mother called.  “Time to get dressed!”
I hopped back into the shower as my mom came in.
“Alright time to get out,” my mom said, closing the door.  She turned off the shower and picked me up.  She took me upstairs to my room. 
“Sarah do you know where my watch went?”
Ohhh I thought.  THAT was what went down the toilet.
“Um the cats flushed it down the toilet.”

My mom laughed.  “You have the greatest imagination, Sarah bear.”  She rubbed my head.

My mom never did look in the sewer for it.


Incident of the Arm 
by Weston Forbes

            One day my dad signed my brother and me up for skateboard camp in St. Johns.  I was learning how to drop in. Drop in is when you step on your skate board and tip it up. Then you go down into a small bowl. A skate board bowl is made out of concrete.

On my first try I just went down the hill and fell off. I fell off on my feet. I didn’t hurt myself.

On my second try I flipped up and landed on my arm. It hurt really badly. It felt like someone stuck a needle through my elbow.  The teacher came over and helped me get up.  Then he called my dad.

My dad drove over and got Warren and me in the car.  We race like maniacs to the hospital.  A doctor came and took us in to a room. Then they took an x-ray of me.  It took a really long time but eventually they put my arm in a splint. The splint was white, but my cast was camouflaged.

We went home and on the way home we were very hungry. We went out to eat. I am right handed and it was my right arm in the cast. I couldn’t really pick up any food. So I had to use my other hand to eat. That was kind of hard at the beginning, but I got used to it.

My family was going to go on a vacation to North Carolina and the beach, but I could not go on the family vacation because I might get sand in my cast. I could not get the cast wet.   I went to New York instead.

Eventually I got the drop in trick down. Now I hope that I can go back to the skateboarding camp. I just hope my dad lets me! 


My Eighth Birthday Party

I believe it was June 1st, 2013, my eighth birthday party.  I went to Oaks Amusement Park. 

My mom and I went on a ride called “Disco”.  I scared my mom.  Well, she scared herself by going on the ride with me.  But, let’s keep reading.

The ride was super fun for me.  My mom was glad.  It was a little scary for me.  I almost threw up…but the ride was fun and that is what matters. 

After the “Disco”, I went to the ferris wheel. 

My mom said, “I am definitely not going on that.”

So I decided to go on it by myself.  Before I got on the ferris wheel, I saw my friend standing in line to go on the ride. 

My friend asked, “Do you want to go on the ride with me?”

I said, “Okay.” 

Then I asked my mom if it was okay.  She said yes.   My friend and I rode on the ferris wheel together.   The cage that my friend and I were seated in spun at the same time the ferris wheel was spinning high in the air.   I felt a little scared, thinking that my friend and I were going to fall.  But I was also super excited.  I was smiling and being brave by not holding on to the bar.

Next, my friend and I went to a different ride together.  Then he went back to his family.  I went back with my mom and started heading for the car. 

It was a great eighth birthday!


When I got my first scratch

This is a story about when my friend and I were playing tag. We were at the playground. It was sunny and we were in the field.

My friend Kyran said, “I will be it.”  He started to chase me.  He tagged me and I fell to the ground.  He scratched me on my wrist.

 “Are you okay?” he asked. 

“Yes,” I said.

Then he said “Sorry.” 

“It’s okay,” I said.

Then he said, “You’re it!”

I started to chase him.  He was running away from me and toward the base.  He was running as fast as a dear and I was running as hard as I could.  I almost got him!  As I was running, I stretched out my hand, but I did not reach him. 

He was safe on base. 

The end.


 I was ready to read.  I'm always ready to read.  But here's the problem.  I have know idea what to read.  I looked.  Nothing.  All but one book looked boring; plain boring.  Those boring, realistic fiction books.  Not to complain.  I thought this classroom library is not for me.  I kept on thinking but that did not work. 

 "Hmmm"; my brain says it's time to read.  My body says it's time to read.  I say it's time to read.  I couldn't think of what to do.  Finally, I looked at the not so boring looking book.  

I looked at it and I had to admit it looked pretty good.  But I didn't know to what to expect.  Should I take it I said to myself in my head.  Sometimes it is very hard to find a good book to read. Then all of a sudden all of my bad thoughts came rushing to my head, then to my brain like I was upside down on the monkey bars.  It's probably another plain old boring book. 

But I was having a war against my bad thoughts.  "NO" I thought, I was going to read so I kept on looking.  "Come on bad thoughts, go away," I thought.  It's going to take years getting a book I said to myself.  Then I looked at Amelia Bedelia's back.  I decided that I liked it.  Finally I got a good book to read. 

By Ayla

What am I holding?
Nothing is there.
What am I holding?
Oh wait, I think it's air.
You can toss it, you can squeeze it,
You really, really need it.l
You get it here and there,l
And almost everywhere there is air.

By Ayla