Narrator 1: A long, long time ago there was a Raven and a Snipe. Raven like to pull tricks on the other animals that lived in the forest.
Narrator 2: Raven hated to work but his tricks often backfired on him.
Narrator 1: One day Raven saw Snipe collecting Oysters on the beach.
Raven: Snipe, you must have a lot of food. I see you here every day.
Snipe: I need to collect all this food for my family, so I work hard every day.
Raven: Where is your house? I would like to visit some time.
Snipe: My house is next to the clearing with the fire pit.
Narrator 2: So Raven set off to think of a plan to get some food. He knew Snipe had lots of food and wanted to trick Snipe into giving all of the food to Raven.
Raven: I got it! I will go to deer’s house. Deer will know how to trick Snipe.
Narrator 1: When Raven was going to Deer’s house he just forgot how to get to Snipe’s house.
Raven: Do you know the way to Snipe’s house?
Deer: No but I think that Fox knows the way. Do you want to stay and have some tea?
Raven: No thanks.
Deer: Why are you going to Snipe’s house?
Raven: To play a trick on her.
Deer: Okay lets go to fox’s house and learn how to get to Snipes house.
Narrator 1: So Deer took Raven to fox.
Fox: What are you doing?
Raven: I am going to Snipe’s house to play a trick on her.
Fox: Do you know where Snipe's family lives?
Raven: I do not know where Snipe's family lives.
Fox: What kind of trick?
Raven: I do not have a trick, but I want to get Snipe’s food. Snipe has a ton of yummy Oysters, clams and salmon.
Fox: I know that wolf knows many tricks.
Narrator 2: So deer, fox and Raven went to wolf’s house.
Raven gets to Snipes House
Wolf: Hello, Raven, deer and Fox!
Fox: Hi!
Wolf: What can I do for you?
Raven: I was wondering whether you could help me trick Snipe into giving me his food.
Wolf: Of course I’ll help! This is my plan. You could pretend to eat dinner with him, but then eat all his food at dinner.
Raven: That sounds like a wonderful plan! Thanks Wolf!
Narrator 1: So Fox took Raven to the beach.
Fox: I need to go back to the forest now.
Raven: Okay! Good-Bye!
Raven: I’m going to eat Snipe’s food.
Raven: Knock. Knock.
Snipe: Hello would you like to come in for dinner?
Raven: Yes, please.
Snipe: I’m going to make salmon and oysters.
Raven: Yum! Yum!
Snipe:Thank you!
Snipe: shshshsh! My husband is sleeping!
Husband: zzzzzzzzzzzzz
Narrator: Raven was eating all of the Snipe's food.
Snipe: Raven, do you want to know how to make food magically appear?
Raven: Of course I do! How do I?
Snipe: Just do what I tell you.
Raven: Of course!
Narrator: Snipe had to think fast if she was going to keep Raven from eating all of their food.
Snipe: Close your eyes and I will give you instructions.
Raven: My eyes are closed.
Snipe: Keep your eyes closed.
Raven: Ok.
Narrator: So Snipe threw Raven out the door.
Snipe: (secretly talking to the audience) I need a plan to fool Raven. I know I will pretend to dance through the fire four times. then I will pretend to hit my knee with a rock four times.
Raven: Where are we going?
Snipe: To the fire pit. I will walk through the fire four times. Then I will bang my knee with a rock four times. Squint your eyes so the smoke does not hurt your eyes.
Narrator 1: Snipe was dancing outside the fire he was dancing like crazy. Snipe pretended to dance through the fire flames.
Snipe: (pretending) ouch, ouch, ouch
Raven: Are you done dancing yet?
Snipe: No not yet .......Now I'm done, but now I have to smash a rock against my
leg. Close your eyes while I get the rock.
Raven: Okay.
Narrator: Instead of getting a rock, Snipe went to get fish eggs and some moss. Then he went back to Raven.
Snipe:You can open your eyes now, but squint so the fire doesn’t hurt your eyes.
Raven: Okay.
Narrator: When Snipe hit his leg, it looked like to Raven that Snipe was hitting
his leg with a real rock.
Snipe: (hitting his leg) one, ouch, two, ouch, three, ouch, four, ouch
Snipe: Now after this time some food will appear.
Raven: Finally! ( Snipe drops the eggs. )
Raven: Food! Yay!! Yay! I am happy to share with you. Would you like the food?
(Raven gobbles up the food)
Snipe: Now it's your turn. Start dancing through the fire. I’ll lead you.
Raven: Owwwwww, this hurts, hurts, hurts.
Snipe: You need to dance through the fire again for the magic to work. You want the magic to work don’t you!
Raven: Owwwwwwww. This hurts, hurts, hurts.
Snipe: Now you need to find the sharpest rock you can find and pang on your leg as hard as you can. Then all the food you could ever eat will magically appear at your feet.
raven: (banging the rock on his leg and crying) Ouch
Snipe: Are you giving up yet?
raven: Its not worth it!!
snipe: So are you giving up yet?
raven: Yes!!! I’ll just go find my own food. I don’t like your magic. sa
Narrator 1 : Raven does not trust Snipe anymore.
Narrator 1: Raven no longer played tricks on Snipe.
Narrator 2: At last Raven got his own food with his friends.
Raven: Hey thanks Fox for showing me the way to Snipe’s house, but the trick didn’t work. Want to go get some grub with me and Deer?
Fox: Like what kind of grub?
Raven: Oh you know crab, shrimp,and oysters.
Fox: Sounds good.
Raven: Good!
Narrator 1: The Snipes no longer trust Raven, but f you ever go to the beach and find a quiet spot the Snipes will trust you.