Monday, October 20, 2014


 I designed a 2-cent coin. It looks pretty because it  has a heart on it. It represents peace, hope, nature, and love. I did it because I love nature and peace.
         There were a few steps involved to design the coin. First I did a rough draft. Then I drew on a piece of cardboard. Finally I put glue on top of my cardboard and let it dry then I put tin foil on it and rubbed it. 

         I wish that it were areal coin. The most interesting part of this project was just having an opportunity to do it.


  1. Thank you for describing your coin. How did you decide to make a 2-cent coin? Is the heart the color of tin foil or another color?

  2. Hi Wren,

    Point: I like that you included nature into your coin design and discussed it in your first paragraph.

    Question: What made you decide to create a 2 cent coin?


