Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Update from Ms. Luria

Dear Families,

June Dates

Tuesday 10th - Talent show for 3rd - 5th grade in the AM
Tuesday 10th - Picnic snack and special activity for departing students - please have students write cards for the members of our class that are leaving to new schools next year
Wednesday 11th - Walking field trip to Irving Park with our reading buddies - we will do field games and could use parental support - Sign up form: http://www.signupgenius.com/go/10c0f4bafaa2ba5fb6-field1 
Thursday 12th - Clean up day! Bring a paper bag to school to help clean out lockers and the room. I could use parental help starting at 1:30 pm till the end of the day for clean up time.
Friday 13th - Last day of school year - report cards will go home this day with the students

Bridges! Students finished their final rotation of the bridge lessons this past week. In my classroom students learned about suspension bridges in their final rotation with me. They build a suspension bridge out of straws and dental floss and studied how many pennies they could hold. Students wanted a link to some fun books and activities for bridges.

  • Instructions for building a suspension bridge with straws: Instructions
  • Online forces lab to experiment with compression, load etc.: Forces lab
  • A fun bridge building toy: KNex bridge kit

In reading we are starting our fourth week of 5 by 5 by 5! Ask your child what book(s) they have read this week! I just finished reading my fourth book out loud to the students and will be finishing our fifth book this coming week! Students are learning all about point of view and discussing the difference between first person and third person point of view. We also talked about the theme of a book. 

I encourage you to join in on the challenge! Can you read out loud 5 different books to your child over the next 5 weeks from 5 different genres? (They don't have to be incredibly long books that you are reading out loud.)

In math, we are reviewing what we have learned this year! Students have taken their end of the year assessment. They will get one last chance if it is needed. In that case, you might want a copy of the practice and answer key found below.  
  • Math practice test for end of year: Practice test 
  • Math practice test answer key for the end of the year: Answer key

For next year it will be very important that students know to type. Here is a good free site: http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/typing/ 


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