Thursday, February 20, 2014


     Once upon a time there was a “forbidden forest”.  There were elvs, fons, Cyclops, and a powerful tree.  The tree had a portal that could separate the light planet, and Venus dark trap.  It separated them because there were ghosts , bear mixed lions, and monkey vampires.  The tree, and the fons guarded the portal.

     If anyone from Venus dark  trap came they would have to get a scar on their face.  One of the elvs named Linx had a big scar on his leg.  It was from the monkey vampire. 

     One day the light side wanted to fight the Venus dark trap, and they did.  When they went through the portal it was cool.  They brought cannons, guns, knives and catapolts.

      After, they started to fight w hen they ran into a Cyclops. The Cyclops started to shoot monkey vampires. 

     Linx stabbed a bear mixed lion. 

     The Vikings from Venus dark trap got killed.  They all went back through the portal, and never worried again.  

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