Nov 8, 2013 Update
Update from Ms. Luria
Nov 8th - No school - teacher planning day
Nov 11th - No school holiday
Nov 12th - Spelling retake for students who received letters on Thursday
Nov 13 - Literature folder due
Nov 15th - NO homework/ NO spelling test because of literature circle project
Nov 15th - Books donated for Battle of the Books:
Nov 15th - Books donated for Battle of the Books:
Nov 22nd - IB unit 2 presentations at 12:30pm in the auditorium
Nov 25th and 26th - Conferences
Dear Families,
We used lanterns on Thursday morning because of the power outage! |
HW: This weekend students are to work on completing their literature folder. They have had 45 minutes a day 4 days a week to work on their literature study for the last 3 weeks. Many students have turned in their completed folders, but they are due on Wednesday.
Students DO NOT complete the literary terms for this first unit. Some groups have no writing response, some groups have 1 response and some groups have 2 responses. Your child knows the expectations, but feel free to email me if there are any questions.
Battle of the Book: Students are starting read the books for this year's Battle. All are very excited and we have a waiting list of the books on this list! Please donate a book if you are able to do so.
Here is the link to donate a book:
Here is the link to donate a book:
Headphones: Please have your child bring a baggie with a pair of headphones to use in the classroom. This way they can listen when using iPads. They can be ear buds or any type of headphone.
Math: Our next math unit is all about geometry. Students will learn about perimeter, area and all of the different types of quadrilaterals.
On the long weekend, students are invited to do and earn points for the current math contest. It is over on Tuesday!
On the long weekend, students are invited to do and earn points for the current math contest. It is over on Tuesday!
We are continuing to work on addition, subtraction and multiplication fluency. **Please look in the homework folder to see if you have a note about how your child is doing.** You can find lots of practice pages for free at this website:
Reading: Students took home their first literature circle guide this weekend (unless it was already turned in.)
Also, check out your child's writing on the blog. They would love to see a comment written from you on the blog if you have three minutes to write something to our growing authors!
Also, check out your child's writing on the blog. They would love to see a comment written from you on the blog if you have three minutes to write something to our growing authors!
Spelling: No spelling test this week.
PE: We have PE on Fridays. Please make sure your child wears gym shoes those days. Thanks!
Library: Our library day is Thursday. Please make sure books are returned to school on Wednesday so they can be checked in before library.
Feel free to write me a note, email me or call if you have any questions or concerns.
Ms. Luria
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