Sunday, October 27, 2013


Do you need an allowance? Also do you know how to earn money? Here some ideas. A lemonade stand is a good way to make money. You can get some wood and make a stand.  You can think of a good price 25 cents. It is a good way to make money.
            You can also mow the lawn. It is a very easy job. If you like nature you will like this. You use a lawn mower to cut grass. You help people, which is special.

            You should buy food. You should buy needs and not wants. It is okay to get legos once in a while, Legos are wants. Needs are the


  1. I love your comments about lawn mowing, Simon. You really help someone decide if this is how he wants to earn some money. Though I never exactly thought of it as a very easy job. But I guess when you feel good about what you're doing, you have fun doing it. I'm glad you appreciate the special value of helping people.

  2. Simon, you and your classmates have so many great ideas on ways to earn money! Along with the lawn mowing, weeding the garden is a good way to help out and possibly earn money. Many people would love to have extra help with the weeding.

    Do you get an allowance? Do you also try to find jobs in your neighborhood to earn extra money? What would be your idea of a dream job for a third-grade-age kid?

  3. Simon, I think your ideas are really good. Also, the money that you earn doing these things will be special, because you worked hard for it, and you are providing people with something they need. Are you planning to mow some lawns and start a lemonade stand of your own? - Rain, Singapore

  4. Hi, Simon. I enjoyed reading your story about earning money to buy important items that you need. Your ideas about how to raise money are also very valuable. A lemonade stand in the summer sounds so yummy. I know many people would love to have your help mowing their lawns, too. I am certain that you will do well in whatever you choose to do to make money. Remember that saving money is a great idea, too. You are so right that needs are far more important than wants. You are a smart young man!

  5. Hi Simon,

    You have several great ideas around how to earn money and also how to spend it. I enjoyed reading your suggestions!

