Thursday, November 29, 2012

Oil spills

Ruby – IB Unit 2

In   1999 a freighter crashed onto a  beach  during a storm. The new Carissa leaked 70,000 U.S. gallons of black sticky oil. It leaked from the beach into the ocean. Over 3,000 shore birds and sea birds were killed. Seals, fish and shell fish were also killed or affected. If anyone hadn’t helped the beaches would remain covered in dirty oil, and all sea animals would be killed.

The solution is to prevent oil spills. Oregon’s Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) monitors ship traffic, makes disaster plans, and participates in clean up respond and clean up exercise. DEQ works with other government groups and private companies to prevent and respond to oil spills. SOLV also has been cleaning Oregon’s beaches for over 40 years.

My personal action plan is to make sure that my uncle fixes his boat before he goes on the water.


  1. Ruby,

    I really liked how you used lots of details about how oil spills are cleaned up. You have a great plan to work with your uncle.

    Ms. Luria

  2. Dear Ruby,

    I like how you talked a lot about oil spills.

