Sunday, December 4, 2011


Do you play 4 square? Well if you don’t, and you want to learn the rules, the equipment they use, and the moves, then read this article.

There are a lot of rules, but here are a few. The first rule is stay on the white paws and don’t cheat, and be a good sport. The last one is there are no reduce. Don’t forget, the very important rule, that is just for fun, and be yourself!!

There is a lot of equipment 4 square players need. Here are some of the main ones. First, you need a rubber ball. Then, you need a 4 square court. Finally, you need 4 players or more. I almost forgot, one the real final one is that you need sneakers. I bet your wondering  why you need sneakers. Well you need sneakers to play, because you can’t play in boats or in sandals, but that is your choice. Moving on.

There are all type of different moves. Here are some of the hard and easy moves. The first one is a cherry bomb. You really want to be aware of a cherry bomb. The second one is a normal pass. A normal pass is not that bad. The third one is a slam! Now that’s something to be aware of!

Now you know some rules, equipment, and moves. I really hope you play and enjoy 4 square.


  1. It's great to know kids still play 4 square, Lucia!. We played it when I was in school in the 1950s. It sounds like it hasn't changed much. But what is "reduce"? I didn't understand that part.

    Do you play with the rule that some of the players can't gang up on other players? That was always a problem in our games. Some of the kids didn't play fair.

    Have fun!


  2. I love how you stated the steps clearly and made sure that they knew what you where talking about.

    I was wondering what is a cherry bomb?
