Friday, September 26, 2014

Update from Ms. Luria

Homework for this week

Spelling words for this week

Dear Families,

Happy First Days of Fall! I hope that you are staying healthy and enjoying the cooler weather. This week we continued our IB unit on "How we organize ourselves."

Weekly Volunteer times still available

  • Tuesday between 10:45 - 11 to do writing conferences with students (I'll show you how to do that). 
  • Tuesdays between 1:45 and 3 to do science experiments with students - help set up the experiment, help clean up and general help with the experiments
  • Wednesday between 10 - 11 to either help with a reading group or do writing/reading conferences with students
  • Fridays between 10 - 11 to either help with a reading group or do writing/reading conferences with students

This week's focus:

*We read an interesting story about what a million dollars would look like in different types on currency.
*We learned about strategies to use when we are confused by what we are reading.

*Started talked about how writers focus in on small events.
*Continued to write modifying our adjectives, nouns and verbs. Ask you child to show the hand motions for those words!     

*Practiced our subtraction strategies
*Learned some great games for building fluency with subtraction
*Learned how to find patterns using a calculator. Ask you child what would happen if you press 19 + 3 and then keep on pressing the = sign! 

Social Studies and Science-
*Dollars and cents- learned all about the US mint and how coins are made in the US. 
*We did an experiment on cleaning pennies and found what what works best to clean them in the short term. Ask your child about how the pennies looked the day after they were cleaned! 
*We continued to talk about bartering.

Important note: Please wear gym clothes on Fridays.

Have a wonderful weekend!

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Update from Ms. Luria

Homework for this week

Spelling words for this week

Monday, 15th - All About Me poster is due
Monday, 15th - 2:00 September birthday celebration
Wednesday 17th - Late start
Thursday 18th - Back to School night

Dear Families,

Thank you for such a great turn out during back to school night. This week we continued our IB unit on "How we organize ourselves."

Thank you to everyone who brought in international money for us to investigate. We will be using it in the next few weeks! 

Weekly Volunteer times still available

  • Tuesday between 10:45 - 11 to do writing conferences with students (I'll show you how to do that). 
  • Tuesdays between 1:45 and 3 to do science experiments with students - help set up the experiment, help clean up and general help with the experiments
  • Wednesday between 10 - 11 to either help with a reading group or do writing/reading conferences with students
  • Fridays between 10 - 11 to either help with a reading group or do writing/reading conferences with students

This week's focus:

*We read an informational article about bartering!
*We learned about the narrator and if a story/article is first person or third person.

*Started coming up with a list of writing ideas.
*Learned how to set up our writing notebook.          

*Learned subtraction strategies
*Created patterns and found the rules in patterns
*Introduced to the idea of division by 3's

Social Studies-
*Dollars and cents- we had a wonderful talk from Stuart (Bibi's family) all about money from around the world. 
*We played a game about bartering and learned why bartering doesn't always work

Important note: Please wear gym clothes on Fridays.

Have a wonderful weekend!

Friday, September 12, 2014

Update from Ms. Luria and Homework

Important Dates:

Homework is due next Friday: This week's homework - your child was also given a copy

Monday, 15th - All About Me poster is due
Monday, 15th - 2:00 September birthday celebration
Wednesday 17th - Late start
Thursday 18th - Back to School night

Dear Families,

Thank you for a wonderful second week of school. This week we started our IB unit on "How we organize ourselves." For this unit we are learning all about money, the history or money and different types of money. Students are vary curious about this. Some of their questions this week are:
  • How is money created?
  • What did people use before money?
  • Why don't people walk around with gems and gold instead of money?
  • Who designs the money we use in the United States and how do they learn to do that?
  • Why do different countries use different types of money?

Thank you to everyone who brought in international money for us to investigate. We will be using it in the next few weeks! 

Back to School Night - Please mark your calendar and come. This is when you will learn about the classroom, have opportunities to sign up to volunteer in the classroom and sign up for your fall conference

This week's focus:

*We finished all of our reading assessments!
*We read a story called "Boom Town" for our IB unit.
*We learned about identifying the big problem in a story.

*Reviewed all about nouns, verbs, articles and adjectives! 
*Started changing around our nouns, verbs and adjectives in our writing.               

*Baseline assessments
*Creating bar graphs
*Measurement - talking about how mathematicians measure and what we use to measure length, weight, time and capacity. 

Social Studies-
*Dollars and cents- talked about what we know about money and asked questions about what we would like to learn in this unit! 
*Students worked on their All About Me poster. These are all due on Monday the 15th. They had four days to work on them at school and were to complete them at home (if they did not finish at school.) 

Important note: Please wear gym clothes on Fridays.

Have a wonderful weekend!

Friday, September 5, 2014

Update from Ms. Luria

Important Dates:

Monday, 15th - 2:00 September birthday celebration
Wednesday 17th - Late start
Thursday 18th - Back to School night

Dear Families,

What a fantastic first week! Thank you for all the support. I hope your student has taught you the reading comprehension song we learned this week. If not, please ask them about it! Also, ask your child to count by 3's to the number 30! 

Do you have any international money we can borrow and investigate? Our first IB unit involves learning about money and we would appreciate it if you had anything that we could observe and learn about. 

This week's focus:

*Reading independently
*Learning reading strategies for comprehension, vocabulary, and accuracy.

*Partner reading

* Doing a baseline writing assessment
* Getting writing ideas/brainstorming                

* Reviewing and practicing addition and subtraction math facts for fluency
* Glyphs and making comparison statements
* Counting by 3s to 30

Social Studies-
* Dollars and cents- our IB unit for the next six weeks.

Important note: Please wear gym clothes on Fridays.

Have a wonderful weekend!