Saturday, March 31, 2012


    Jackson woke up this morning.
“Jackson breakfast is ready and don’t forget Melina is coming over.” His mom said.
    Jack had a little problem he ran if he is exited. Knock, knock! When that was Melina is here.
    “Wee!” Jackson shouted.
    “Jackson stop running!” mom said.
     “Ok.”Jackson replied.
     “Hi Melina!” Jackson said with a grin hello.
    “Are you ready for the best day ever?” Melina asked.
    “Yes Jackson replied.”
    Jackson was a liger as well as Melina.
    “Let’s get our breakfast,” Melina said.
    “Chomp!” Jackson sounded.
    “Jackson don’t cut the hag!” Melina yelled.
     “Sorry I just love smoked seal.” Jackson said.
    “I know you favorite show is starting.” Melina called.
    Hello welcome to another episode of terrors of the haunted house!
    “Oh no it’s the mummy that eats up little ligers!” Jackson cried.”
    “Time for a nap,” Melina called.
    “No I’m not tired yet,” Jackson cried.
    And Jackson yawned his way to sleep. He dreamed about a 50 foot smoked Seoy. Crash! went his dresser. “Bang” went his bed.
    “Wake up Jackson,” Melina called.
    “I’m so…” Jackson replied.
    Just then Jackson’s mother arrived.
    “Hello Jackson, where’s the babysitter?” Mom asked.
    “Here I am, “Your son has been a good liger.” Melina said.
     “Well that’s good.” Jackson’s mother replied.” “Have a nice good night,” Melina said.


    “Wait up honey,” mom said.
     Hurry up honey,” dad said.
    “Are you guys going to come back?” Paws said.
    “Yes honey we will be back by ten O’clock,” mom said.
     “Ok but who is going to take care of me?” Paws said.
     “Don’t worry your favorite babysitter Buggie is coming over.” mom said.
     “Who?” Paws asked.
    “Your favorite babysitter, you know Buggie.” mom replied.
    “Oh yes, I love that babysitter, oh goody!” “Oh here she comes.” Paws said.
    What Buggie didn’t know was that Paws had a little problem. His problem was that when he got excited, he went to the kitchen grabs lot of bananas and he started to throw them all around the house. This is really a horrible habit. After five minutes Buggie asked Paws if he wanted to watch a movie.
    “What movie are we going to watch?” Paws asked.
    “I don’t know what movie you want to watch?” Buggie asked.
    “Can we watch Porcupine vs. the Duck?” Paws asked.
     “If that’s what you want to watch, then of course we can watch that.” Buggie said.
     “Oh goody,” Paws said.
    Since Paws got so excited he ran into the kitchen, got a lot of bananas and started to throw them everywhere.
    “Ouch don’t do that,” Buggie said.
    “Do what?” Paws asked.
    “Do what you just did.” Buggie replied.
    “Oh that,” sure I can stop that.” Paws said.
    “Thanks, don’t mention it, don’t worry lets go out to the living room and play tic-tac-toe.” Buggie said.
    “Oh!” Paws said.
    “Here we go,” Buggie said.
    While they were playing tic-tac-toe Paws got so excited. So Paws went to the kitchen and grab lots of bananas and started to throw them all around the living room.
     “Oh no!” Buggie replied.
    “Sorry.” Paws replied.
    “It’s ok.” Buggie said.
    “Can we still play?” Paws asked.
    “No, no, and no it’s time for bed.” Buggie replied.
    “But I’m not tired.” Paws said,
    “Don’t worry you’ll fall asleep in no time”. Buggie said.
    “But, but I’m not going to zzzz.” Paws said.

    While Paws was sleeping he was dreaming that he was climbing trees. Since he was feeling excited he sleepwalks all the way to the kitchen got lots of bananas and Paws started to throw them all around. Then he dreamed of a big yellow banana with a small yellow banana on top. Once again Paws went to the kitchen and started to throw them everywhere. At that very moment, mom and dad walked through the door.
    “Was Paws a good little monkey?” mom asked.
    “He sure was.” Buggie replied.
     Even though Paws was so excited, he did not go to the kitchen this time.
    “Ok Paws say good bye to Buggie.” Mom said.
    “Who?” Paws asked.
    “You know now don’t act silly.” Mom said.
    “Fine,” Paws said.
    “Now what were you going to tell Buggie?” mom asked.
    “I was going to tell Buggie that I really like her being my babysitter, and that I hope she can babysit me another one of these days.” Paws said.
    “Well guess what?” Buggie said.
    “What?” Paws asked.
    “Well tomorrow I am going to come back here to babysit you.” Buggie replied.
    “Why my parents aren’t going to be here in the house?” Paws asked.
    “About that honey, were so sorry.” Mom replied.
    “I guess it’s ok.” Paws said.
    “But don’t worry I’ll be here Paws.” Buggie said.
    “It’s not because of that I mean I do like you babysitting me, it’s just because well I don’t hang out with my parents that much anymore.” Paws said
    “Were sorry but tomorrow we really need to go to some place.” Mom said.
    “But it’s okay I’ll still have fun with Buggie, right Buggie?” Paws asked.
    “Right Paws.” Buggie replied.


    Four square has two main rules. One rule is no holding. You cannot hold the ball for even one second. Another rule is no redo. No one can ask for a redo. These are the two main rules.


    When it was morning Roxi woke up. Mom and dad were going to catch some meat. So her favorite babysitter was going to watch her.
    “Who is it?” Roxi Said.
    “It is Looloo.” Looloo said.
    “Awesome!” Roxi said.
    When Looloo came Mom and dad left. The problem with Roxi, if she gets a toy and if it moves she will chase it. She will destroy it too.  Looloo and Roxi went to the park. When she went with her babysitter, the baby sitter brought a zoo pet. Roxi chased the zoo pet and destroyed it. Looloo looked at Roxi.
    “You made a mess,” Looloo said while nodding her hard.
     I’m really sorry, I promise that if you will get me a zoo pet that swims I will not destroy it.” Roxi said while she was looking at the zoo pet.
    “May I have a shower pretty please?” Roxi asked.
    Looloo walked up and started the shower.  Roxi got in the shower and started playing with a zoo pet. She destroyed the zoo pet.
    “No more shower time for you.” Looloo said.
    “Sorry.” Roxi said.
    “It is night time for you.” Looloo said.
    “But I don’t think it is. No, I don’t want to go to go bed!  I’m not tired.” Roxi said as her eyes were shutting.

    Roxi had bad dream about zoo pets. There was a giant one. She destroyed the pillow. Roxi dreamed of chasing a giant panda zoo pet. She destroyed the sheets. Roxi was now dreaming of a really big zoo pet. She destroyed the bed. Just then Roxi’s parent walked in.
    “Roxi what happened to your pillow?” her mom asked.
    “Roxi what happened to your sheets?” her dad asked.
    “Roxi what happened to your bed?” mom asked.
    “Roxi you didn’t destroy the babysitter did you?” Mom and dad both asked.
    “No here I am, Roxi have been a very destructive girl but she was good!” Looloo said.


Don’t Scare the Baby Sitter
    Oregon the wood duck was so excited! He was having his favorite baby sitter tonight. It was his parents’ trip to Mexico. They were going to watch the sunset and eat burritos. Oregon, though, has a little problem. When he gets hyper he quacks. It’s a really bad habit.
    “It’s time to eat.” Gabe said.
    “What are we eating?” Oregon asked.”
    Chocolate cake,” Gabe replied while bringing the food.
    “Yes!” Oregon said.
    As he starts to get excited, and then he quacked really loud.
    “Oregon!” Gabe yelled.
    “Sorry I can’t help it.” Oregon mumbled.
    “It’s ok” Gabe said.
    “Let’s play X-box 360,” Gabe said.
    “Ok.” Oregon replied.
    They were going to play sneaky fox. The fox has a laser and a freeze ray. Oregon got scared and “Quack!” went Oregon.

    “Oregon!” Gabe yelled.
    “Time for bed.” Gabe said.
    “I’m not tired,” Oregon replied while yawning.
    “Just think of cheesecake.” Gabe said.
    “Goodnight.” Gabe said.
    Then he closed the door. Oregon dreamt 10,000 ft. tall cheesecake, and started quacking louder. Just then his parents walked in.
    “Did Oregon have been good?” mom asked.
    “Where’s Gabe?” dad asked.
    “You didn’t scare the…?” his parents said.
    “No here I am. He’s been a good duck.” Gabe said.
     For the one he kept his beak shut.

Friday, March 30, 2012


“Weekend Plans”
    Two things I’m doing this weekend are play video games and play soccer. One of my weekend plans is playing video games. I am playing Halo Reach the video game. Another of my weekend plan is playing soccer. I will play with my friends.


    I have two favorite fruits. Pineapple is one of my favorite fruits. I eat pineapple quickly because it’s so good. Another fruit is mango is very sweet. I love pineapple and mango.


    Four square has two main rules. One rule is no holding. You cannot hold the ball for even one second. Another rule is no re-dos. No one can ask for a re-dos. These are the two main rules.


Jake the turtle was so excited! His parents were leaving t go swimming for the night. Plus his favorite baby sitter Miranda was coming over to watch him and Suzy his sister. They were going to do fun stuff. But Jake has an unfortunate problem. Because when he gets excited as most little turtles do, has a habit of snapping. This is a very bad problem because often scares other animals.
    “Goodbye.” Their parents said as they walked out the door.
    “Good bye mom and dad.” They said.
    Four minutes later.
    “It’s time for dinner.” Miranda said.
    “What are we eating?” Jake asked.
    “Grass to go” Miranda said.
    “Yay! Woo! Hoo!” Jake shouted.
    Jake started to get excited and what for it snap!!
    “Jake don’t eat your silverware!” Miranda yelled.
    “Sorry.” Jake said.
    “Never mind let’s get you cleaned up.” Miranda said.
    “Ok I love to play with my bath toys!” Jake said.
     Jake got excited and snap!
    “Jake don’t eat the bath soap.” Miranda yelled.
    “Sorry.” Jake said.
    “I know let’s play a game called slam. Here’s how you play, you’ll find four matching cards and when you do you yell slam. Next you slam your cards down.” Miranda said.
    “Ok.”Jake said.
    Slam! Jake got excited because he got four matching cards. He started to… snap.
    “Jake you’re not suppose to eat your cards.” Miranda said.
    “Sorry.” Jerry said blushing.
    Next he dreamed of a big oad.
    “Don’t eat the…” Miranda said.
    “Ok its six o’ clock time for bed.” said Miranda.
    “But I’m not tired.” Jake and Suzy both said at the same time.
    Well Jake’s eyes started to shut.
    “Goodnight.” Miranda interrupted.
    “No I’m not.” Jake snored.
     Jake dreamed of a enormous grass bed and snap! Went the dresser, then he dreamed of a big juicy marshmallow! And snap went the bed.

Just then mom and dad arrived.
    “Hello!” They said.
    “Hi!” Jake and Suzy replied.
    “Were you guys good?” mom asked.
    “Yes they were,” Miranda said as she jumped in front of Jake.


“The two lunch options”
    We had two lunch options. One option was pizza. The toppings on the pizza were pepperoni and cheese. Another option was chicken and breasts. The chicken was breaded white chicken meat. Those were the two of the thing on our menu.


    Stevie the monkey was really happy. His parents were going to go get bananas and banana splits. His babysitter Alexzandra the gorilla was coming. Though Stevie has a little problem, his problem is when he’s so excited he can’t control his habit of smashing objects.
    “Alexzandra,” Stevie said.
    “Yes Stevie,” Alexzandra replied.
    “Why are you warming up the car?” Stevie asked.
    “We are going to Oaks in animal, JJ the dragon or chucky the monkey, which place do you want to go?” Alexzandra asked.
    Stevie started to get excited and smash went the car.
    “Well we can’t go to move rides now,” Besides its 9:15 it’s bed time!” Alexzandra said.
    When Stevie went to his blue and red polka dotted room, he got in his bed.
    “Alexzandra pretty please don’t send me to bed I’m not sleepy!” Stevie said while rubbing his eyes.
    “Yes you are and besides if you do I’ll take you to some special places tomorrow.” Alexzandra said.

    That’s when it slipped out and smash went his pillow.
    “Why don’t you count sheep? Goodnight.”Alexzandra said.
    “Good night,” Stevie replied.
    “Hello! Oh he is asleep, but where’s his pillow?” his parents said.
    “Oh I smashed it on accident, I’m sorry” Stevie said. “Did you smash the baby sitter?” mom asked.
    “No I’m right here, Alex said.
“See you later; oh I need my 25.99 first.” Alex said while leaving.
The End